✨ 6 website learning gems you should visit!



So you’re a software developer? OK that’s great. You are able to create application and make 💸💸💸, but have you ever thought for long terms scenarios or do your really aware of it?

For five years career in software development, creating application is not about to get your job done or delivering the software for launching event. It isn’t 🙅‍♂️.

If you are a good developer, you should aware to the post-development stage of your software…

🤨: Come on, wheres my “learning gems”?! The title is not about engineering post!

OK OK I know it’s not about engineering post. Fine!



Let’s enhance our knowledge with these awesome learning materials! From how to architect you application, writing maintainable code, and even knowing how the CPU actually works!

Btw, let’s kudos 🙇‍♂️ to all authors who made these every good learning materials!


Patterns thumbnail

Patterns.dev is created by Addy Osmani and Lydia Hallie to help you architect your website to the next level. Patterns.dev will help you to design, rendering, and performance patterns for building powerful web apps with vanilla JavaScript or modern frameworks.

Putting the “You” in CPU

CPU Land thumbnail

Next, we have the CPU Land!

Have you ever thought how CPU is actually works under the hood?

🤨: Why I should think of it if it’s already works under the hood?

Ayo, bro. Come on, are you serious? You won’t be replaced by AI, right?

That’s why you should know how CPU execute your program!

Fortunately this website got you covered. Here you can learn how multiprocessing works, what system calls really are, how computers manage memory with hardware interrupts, and how Linux loads executables.

All thanks to Lexi Mattick who created this website!

Refactoring Guru

Refactoring Guru thumbnail

🤨: Argh, I don’t want to touch this codebase. It’s fragile!

Hey, your wrote this code two years ago…

🤨: Ah, sorry. I mean yeah… why you’re not giving me some solutions, Akbar?

Me? no man, but Refactoring Guru can help you!

Alexander Shvets already built cool website to refactor your 💩 codebase. This website will change your perspective of how you can built something that maintainable for long-terms.

Component Gallery thumbnail

Confused about naming your UI components and how it should looks like? No worries, I often facing this issue. But luckily theres Iain Bean who created The Component Gallery website!

Here, we are not presented with pre-build UI components rather it gives you what components should looks like and what exactly that for.

Learn Git Brancing

Learn Git Brancing thumbnail

I have a meme for you, go check it out…


But, it just meme unless you know how to use Git properly. If you don’t, no worries. Just Learn Git Branching!

Peter Cottle created this website to help you learn Git interactively. You know, because it’s easier to understand something if you can visualize it.

The Twelve-Factor App

The Twelve-Factor App thumbnail

And the last, The Twelve-Factor App!

You’ll learn how to build SaaS or simply a service in microservice cluster. Here you are not learn about what technology used, rather the ideology or concept to make your apps portable and easy to deploy anywhere!

Let’s say thanks to Adam Wiggins for his dedication.


Alright, now you already know. Don’t give up and keep your learning spirit. In the end it’s all just someone’s writing, but what makes it valuable is when you apply it and it works.

If you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to write them in the comments section below!

See ya!

Kocheng hormat

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