AWS Services for Microservice Architectures: A Beginner’s Overview (Part 1 – Computing)


In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, microservices have become a
cornerstone for building scalable and maintainable software solutions.
Leveraging the right tools and services is crucial for effectively
implementing a microservice architecture, and AWS offers a comprehensive suite
of services tailored to meet these needs. In this part, we will be delving
into the AWS services you can use for actually running your application with a
microservice architecture.

What are Microservices?

Microservices are a fundamental component of many modern software solutions.
They facilitate an approach in which software is composed of small,
independent services that communicate over lightweight APIs. Unlike monolithic
architectures, where all processes are tightly coupled and run together, each
microservice performs a single function and is ideally owned by a small,
self-contained team.

Adopting a microservice architecture offers several benefits, such as:

  • Easier scaling of applications: Individual services can be scaled
    independently based on demand.
  • Improved technology choice, code quality, and readability due to separation
    of concerns: Teams can choose the best technologies for each service.
  • Isolated deployments and rollbacks: Changes to one service do not affect the
    entire application, reducing risk and improving deployment flexibility.

Running microservices with AWS

AWS provides four major managed services that can be used to supply the
computing power needed to run microservices:

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

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ECS is a container management service that runs code within Docker containers.
You can run your applications on a managed cluster of Amazon Elastic Compute
Cloud (EC2) instances or opt for AWS Fargate if you prefer a serverless

Amazon EC2 provides computing capacity in the form of virtual servers
that can run one or more containers. EC2 requires you to configure server
instances according to your application’s needs. There are various instance
types to choose from, each with its own technical specifications and price
points. For instance, a t3.nano instance with 0.5 GiB of memory currently
costs $0.0052 per hour, while a t3.large instance with 8 GiB of memory is
currently priced at $0.0835 per hour.

AWS Fargate is a serverless option, meaning you don’t need to manage
any virtual servers to run your containers. Many scaling and configuration
related processes are handled automatically, but you still need to configure
certain aspects of your application deployment. For example, you may need to
set up auto-scaling policies based on specific metrics to ensure your
application can handle varying levels of traffic. Similarly, you might need
to configure load balancing to distribute incoming traffic across multiple
container instances for high availability and performance.

Generally speaking, Fargate is less complicated to set up and maintain
compared to EC2, but it is also slightly more expensive per hour for the
same computing power. EC2 instances are ideal for scenarios where the team
requires granular control over container instances, networking, and storage.
Given a stable workload, it is possible to optimize costs using EC2
instances. Conversely, EC2 instances are often only partly utilized,
rendering some of the resources you pay for superfluous. Fargate, on the
other hand, only uses the application’s actual computing needs, ensuring you
only pay for what you use.

ECS is an excellent choice for a managed container service and is used in many
projects worldwide. It is suitable for long-running processes (such as web
pages that need to be available around the clock) and is ideal for teams with
Docker expertise.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

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EKS is a Kubernetes service for building, securing, operating, and maintaining
Kubernetes clusters. It integrates seamlessly with core AWS services,
providing monitoring, scaling, and load balancing capabilities for
containerized applications. Like ECS, the computing power for EKS can be
provided through EC2 instances or AWS Fargate.

EKS is best for teams already invested in Kubernetes and wanting to leverage
Kubernetes tooling and community support. It is also ideal for applications
that need advanced orchestration features.

AWS Lambda

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Lambda is a fully managed, serverless solution similar to AWS Fargate. You
just upload your code, and Lambda manages everything required to run and scale

An important aspect of Lambda is its event-driven nature. This means your code
is executed in response to specific events, such as API calls, file uploads,
or scheduled time intervals.

Lambda is a great choice if you want to go for an event-driven architecture
and microservices that require minimal infrastructure management. It is also
well-suited for applications that need to scale quickly due to large spikes of
traffic at unexpected times. Lambda provides 1 million free requests and
400,000 GB-seconds of free compute time per month, making it a cost-effective
option for smaller projects or lightweight jobs like resizing images for

AWS App Runner

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App Runner is a fully managed service that simplifies the deployment of
containerized web applications and APIs, requiring no prior experience. Its
primary aim is to eliminate the complexities of infrastructure management,
enabling developers to focus solely on building and deploying their
applications. Powered by AWS Fargate, App Runner requires even less
configuration compared to direct usage of Fargate. It offers hands-off
scaling, includes a built-in load balancer and provides HTTPS Support, amongst
other features.

Due to the additional features, using App Runner tends to be more expensive than the
previously mentioned services. Its ability to automate scaling entirely,
however, makes it a perfect fit for applications that do not receive traffic
at all times. An example of this is a development environment that is only
used during business hours. This way, one benefits from the streamlined
deployment process while benefiting from automatic savings during the times
the application is inactive.


As we’ve explored the AWS services tailored for running applications with a
microservice architecture, it’s evident that each service brings its unique
advantages to the table. Whether it’s the granular control of EC2 instances,
the simplicity of Fargate, the orchestration capabilities of EKS, the
event-driven nature of Lambda, or the streamlined deployment process of App
Runner, AWS caters to diverse needs and preferences. I hope this post has
proven useful in helping you get an overview of these technologies. If you are
interested in learning more, I have included some links below.

Stay tuned for part 2 where I’ll be addressing the topics of database and
storage in AWS!

Further Reading

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