How to create a Virtual Machine that is highly available.


Click on Virtual Machines from the Azure Services

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Click on “Create”

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Click on Azure Virtual Machine

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Enter Resource Group name

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Enter Virtual Machine Name

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Select Availability zone, selecting more than one zone makes it highly available

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Select Image

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Create administrator account and enter username and password

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*Select inbound ports

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Check Licensing

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In the “Monitoring” Tab

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*Disable Diagnostics *

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It is advised to create a load balancer when high availability is required.

Click Review + Create

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Check Validation

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Click “Create”

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Confirm Deployment

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Click on “Go to Resource”

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Click on “Connect”

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Select Native RDP & Click “Select”**

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Ensure all configurations are ticked green and configured

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Download RDP File

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Further installation settings will be required and you will be able to access your virtual machine.

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