Accessibility Breakdown | External Links


Todays mini series of things you can do right now cover the essentials of checking and enhancing the accessibility (a11y) of external links in your application. Let’s get into it:
external link icon

Why it Matters:

  • Accessibility Impact: Clear indications of links opening in new tabs or leading to external websites are vital for users with disabilities to navigate seamlessly.
  • User Experience: Prevents confusion and ensures users maintain control over their browsing experience.

Quick Check:

  • Manual Scan: Scan your application for links that may open in new tabs or lead to external sites. Look for links that use target="_blank" inside the anchor tag which indicates opening in a new tab.
<a href="" target="_blank">Link Texta>
  • Automated Tools: Use accessibility testing tools like Axe or WAVE for detailed reports on accessibility issues, including missing link indicators.

  • Browser Extensions: Install extensions like Web Developer to show you all your links, including those lacking proper indications.

Using outline external link tool:
Using outline external link tool on web developer extension

Using link details:
Using link details tool on web developer extension

Quick Fixes:

  • Text Indicators: Provide visually hidden text (e.g., (opens in a new tab)) to indicate external links. The span will be hidden except to a screen reader.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="external-link">
    Visit Example Website
    <span class="sr-only">(opens in a new tab)span>
  • Visual Icon Indicators: Include an icon with an appropriate alt attribute to indicate the behavior.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="external-link" aria-label="Visit Example Website (opens in a new tab)">
    Visit Example Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt" aria-hidden="true">i>


  • Thoroughly test your application post-fix by using a screen reader to ensure all external links are properly indicated and accessible.
  • Consider writing an Axe test to ensure all external links include a hidden element, indicating they open in a new tab or similar idea., {
  rules: [{
    id: 'external-link-span',
    selector: 'a[target="_blank"][rel~="noopener"][rel~="noreferrer"]',
    check: function (element, _context) {
      const spanElement = element.querySelector('');
      return {
        result: spanElement !== null,
        message: 'External link should have a  indicating it opens in a new tab'

By following these quick steps, you can quickly enhance the accessibility of external links in your application, contributing to a more inclusive online environment for all users. Accessibility is an ongoing journey, so start making a positive impact today! 🌟

Helpful links
Free A11y tools:

A11y Info:

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