Shortcut your way through the terminal ๐ŸŒ€



Shortcut – record, save & execute your most used scripts in the terminal


sc fe be – boots your fe and be project in two separate terminal tabs

sc my_dir # Instead of typing N cd, move straight to the directory

SUPPORTS: iTerm, Terminal


A year or so ago I’ve started being tired of navigating to some directories over and over again. Same with running scripts for booting my project.

At that time I’ve been doing some custom scripts + aliases to make my work flow a bit better, but didn’t really like that approach for some reason, as I thought having CLI tool for creating and managing those scripts would be much better (more intuitive) and so I have quickly written a prototype.

Around a week ago I thought it actually could be useful for others + maybe someone would want to contribute and make it more useful and less buggy.

Basically the flow looks like this:

  1. sc --record – after running it you will execute

  2. sc – executes the saved script in the new tab

img demo to using shortcut cli

In the case above it opened a new tab and immediately executed the script moving you to the Desktop

I made it so it opens by default in the new tab, as I usually use it to boot my projects with indefinitely running commands for booting my projects.

There are other commands that I’ve added like –list, –edit, so you can quickly check the saved scripts and edit them in vim as well.

sc delete action

sc list action

Let me know what you think, maybe you have some ideas for improvements?

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