Exploring 5 Docker Alternatives: Containerization Choices for 2024


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In the realm of containerization, Docker has long been hailed as the go-to platform for developers. However, the landscape has evolved, presenting a plethora of alternatives tailored to various needs and preferences. In this comprehensive round-up, we’ll delve into 5 Docker alternatives that offer diverse capabilities for building and deploying containers in 2024.

Is Docker Still the Best Choice in 2024?

While Docker remains a stalwart in the containerization domain, its supremacy is no longer unchallenged. Opting for an alternative tool can mitigate Docker’s limitations, cater to specific requirements, and foster consistency across different environments. Whether it’s circumventing the Docker daemon on host machines or ensuring uniform container technology usage from development to production, alternatives offer tailored solutions.

Dispelling the Myth: Using Containers Beyond Docker

Once synonymous with containerization, Docker’s dominance has waned with the emergence of a more diversified ecosystem. Container basics are now standardized by the Open Container Initiative (OCI), facilitating interoperability among various tools. Consequently, Docker’s exclusivity is dispelled, and alternatives can seamlessly handle existing container content, including images sourced from popular registries like Docker Hub.

Exploring the Top Docker Alternatives

Embarking on a journey to explore containerization options reveals a rich tapestry of tools, each addressing distinct use cases and functionalities. Here, we spotlight 5 noteworthy alternatives that encompass a spectrum of features and capabilities:

  1. Podman
  2. Containerd and nerdctl
  3. Rancher Desktop
  4. Buildah
  5. LXC


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This open-source container engine is a lightweight and daemonless alternative to Docker. It utilizes containerd (which we’ll discuss next) under the hood, offering a familiar Docker command-line experience for managing containers. Podman is ideal for those seeking a Docker-like experience without the requirement of a background daemon.

Podman’s CLI is Docker-compatible; most commands can be converted by simply replacing docker with podman, such as podman ps and podman run instead of docker ps and docker run. Additionally, Podman has a graphical desktop application called Podman Desktop, serving as an open-source alternative to Docker Desktop. This graphical interface simplifies the management of container resources, providing an intuitive experience without the need to learn complex command line syntax

Containerd and nerdctl

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This CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) project is a lightweight container runtime. Unlike Docker, it focuses solely on runtime functionalities and doesn’t handle image building or registry management. However, containerd is the runtime engine used by Docker itself, making it a powerful and secure foundation for containerization.

Nerdctl is deliberately designed to be fully Docker-compatible. Docker commands can be directly translated to their Nerdctl counterparts by simply replacing docker with nerdctl—try nerdctl build instead of docker build, for example. Docker Compose commands are supported too.

Setting up containerd and nerdctl is slightly more complex than just using Docker. However, this approach gives you more control over your container stack: you can easily replace the containerd runtime or nerdctl CLI in the future if you need to. It also allows you to access new containerd features that haven’t yet made it into Docker.

Rancher Desktop

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This open-source desktop application provides a comprehensive container development environment. It bundles Docker along with Kubernetes, the renowned container orchestration platform, alongside other essential tools. This integrated approach offers a convenient one-stop solution for developers engaged in containerized application development. Rancher Desktop serves as an excellent choice for individuals seeking a user-friendly platform that streamlines the process of building and deploying containerized applications.


Buildah is a tool specifically designed to streamline the process of building OCI-compliant container images. Unlike other container tools, it focuses solely on image creation and lacks features for running containers.

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Ideal for those seeking a lightweight solution for image management, Buildah offers a daemonless architecture and a straightforward CLI. It seamlessly integrates into custom tooling environments, providing flexibility and ease of use. Additionally, Buildah enables direct interaction with OCI images, allowing for modifications such as adding supplementary content or executing additional commands.

Whether assembling images from existing Dockerfiles or through CLI commands, Buildah simplifies the image creation process. Furthermore, it offers the capability to mount filesystems generated during the build process onto the host system, facilitating convenient inspection of output image content.


Linux Containers (LXC) represents an OS-level containerization solution deeply integrated into Linux systems. Positioned between full virtualization and the lightweight application containers provided by OCI tools like Docker, LXC offers a unique approach to containerization.

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LXC containers are characterized as system containers, encompassing a complete operating system within. This architecture allows for the installation of diverse software workloads within the container environment. Once created, LXC containers persist on the host system for the duration of their necessity. The management experience resembles that of traditional virtual machines, offering robust control and persistence.

In contrast, application or process containerization tools like Docker prioritize executing a single process within an ephemeral environment. These containers are typically short-lived, serving a specific task before terminating. While suitable for many modern development and cloud deployment scenarios, this model can prove restrictive for more intricate software requirements.

Choosing LXC over Docker may be preferable in situations demanding the execution of multiple workloads within containers, necessitating deeper access to the container’s operating system, or favoring VM-like administration techniques. Notably, LXC does not directly support OCI containers. However, it is feasible to create an LXC container from an OCI image utilizing specialized templates.

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