Analyzing pricing strategies for in-app purchases, with Mark Assini


Analyzing pricing strategies for in-app purchases, with Mark Assini

In this episode of Product Marketing Maestros, guest Mark Assini, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Jobber, shares insights from his early PMM role in a video game studio, and how he navigated his first big project: analyzing pricing for in-app purchases. 

Key takeaways

  • Balancing customer impact and business outcomes: Mark emphasizes the need for product marketers to carefully balance the impact on customers with business goals. In the case study they discuss, the initial focus on optimizing pricing for business outcomes led to a frosty reception from players. This highlights the importance of considering the customer experience alongside quantitative analysis.
  • Quantitative analysis for informed decision-making: The episode underscores the significance of thorough quantitative analysis, especially when dealing with pricing in digital goods. Mark’s deep dive into customer behavior, value perception, and willingness to pay revealed crucial insights that informed strategic decisions. Dumpster diving into the numbers provided actionable insights for optimizing pricing structures.
  • Long-term gain from short-term pain: The case study Mark discusses illustrates that despite the initial challenges and negative player feedback, the pricing adjustments resulted in long-term gains. By strategically rebalancing value across different price points, the studio achieved improved revenue predictability and a shift in player purchasing behavior. This takeaway encourages product marketers to consider the long-term impact and benefits of strategic decisions, even if they encounter short-term challenges.

About Mark Assini

Mark Assini is a Senior Product Marketing Manager with over 9 years of combined experience in product marketing, marketing, and sales. 

He has helped bring technology (both products and services) to market, be the voice of the customer, and then some (as Mark puts it, PMMs wear many hats after all). 

From establishing buyer personas, creating go-to-market plans, and to positioning and messaging, Mark has worked directly with product, sales, customer experience and, of course, marketing, to drive demand, adoption, usage, and retention. 

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Stay tuned for more episodes of Product Marketing Maestros: Tales From the Front Lines.

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