My Journey as a Hard of Hearing Software Engineer


Being a software engineer with a hearing challenge has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but let me tell you, the ride is worth it! Just a quick background of myself, I have a profound hearing loss in my left ear and am deaf in my right ear.

One of the toughest parts is dealing with lots of talking and hearing. Meetings, team chats, and discussions – sometimes, it feels like I’m missing out. But you know what? Every challenge is just a chance to find a solution.

One of the biggest hurdles I faced was the constant chatter in the tech world.. M.E.E.T.I.N.G.S I know we all have a love-hate relationship with them. Sitting for hours, listening to your colleagues about the updates, production issue and knowledge transferring. I genuinely hate meetings because meetings making it tricky for someone like me. Catching every detail in a fast-paced conversation was really tough for me, and sometimes it felt like I was always missing out.

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To tackle the challenges, I use visual tools and written communication like Live Captioning App. Zoom, Microsoft Team and Google Meet have that interesting feature but Microsoft Team is my favourite one! it also generate a transcript for you too and this very useful for reviewing discussions and ensuring that no important information is missed. They are my superhero (Other than my family)

Sure, there were tricky moments. Understanding everyone in a fast conversation or catching every detail can be tough. But hey, the victories are sweeter than the challenges. Completing projects, working smoothly with teams and watching my code come alive are the best feeling.

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If you are someone who is just starting to code, always believe in yourself. Everything is possible, and it doesn’t matter if you’re hard of hearing or deaf – you’ve got what it takes. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.

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Join coding communities, both online and offline, to connect with fellow learners and experienced developers. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to grow, and remember that progress takes time. Celebrate small victories along the way, and build a supportive network that encourages your coding journey. Stay curious, stay persistent, and most importantly, enjoy the process of learning and creating.

Go ahead, embark on this exciting adventure with confidence, because you have the power to shape the future. Embrace your uniqueness, be resilient in the face of challenges, and remember – coding is for everyone!✨

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