Taming the Flame: Securely Connecting Next.js and Firebase with TypeScript


Part 1: Laying the Foundation

1. Next.js, Let’s Go!

Creating a New Next.js Project:

  • Open your terminal and run the following command to create a new Next.js project:
   npx create-next-app my-nextjs-app
  • Replace my-nextjs-app with your desired project name.

Opening an Existing Project:

  • If you have an existing Next.js project, navigate to its directory in your terminal.

2. Firebase: Let the Flame Ignite!

Creating a Firebase Project:

  1. Visit the Firebase console (https://console.firebase.google.com/) and click on “Add project.”
  2. Provide a project name and select your preferred location.
  3. Click on “Create project.”

Enabling Authentication and Firestore:

  1. Within your Firebase project, navigate to the “Build” section in the sidebar.
  2. Click on “Authentication” and enable the “Email/Password” sign-in method (and any others you’d like).
  3. Click on “Firestore Database” and enable it as well.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll dive into connecting Next.js with Firebase, setting up authentication, and creating components for user interactions!

## Taming the Flame: Securely Connecting Next.js and Firebase with TypeScript in a Technical Blog

Building web applications with Next.js and Firebase is a powerful combo, offering smooth development and robust backend services. But how do we securely integrate these tools and unlock their full potential? This blog dives into the technical details of connecting Next.js and Firebase with TypeScript, ensuring a secure and well-structured approach.

Fire and Secrets: Keeping the Flame Hidden

Security is paramount, and protecting our Firebase credentials is essential. We avoid hardcoding them in our code by utilizing environment variables. Next.js provides the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix for environment variables exposed to the client-side, while keeping them hidden from server-side rendering. In your .env.local file, store your Firebase configuration object obtained from the console. It will look something like this:

... other Firebase configuration properties ...

Remember, never share this file!

TypeScript to the Rescue: Typing our Way to Safety

Next.js embraces TypeScript, and in our firebase.ts file, we can leverage its power for type safety. We start by importing specific functions from the Firebase SDKs that we’ll need, such as initializeApp and getFirestore from the “firebase/app” and “firebase/firestore” packages respectively. Then, we access our environment variables with type assertions, like this:

export const API_KEY = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY as string;
export const AUTH_DOMAIN = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN as string;
... other variables ...

This tells TypeScript the exact type of each variable, preventing potential errors and enhancing code clarity.

Building our Firebase Bridge: The Configuration Object

With our secrets secured and types defined, we create the Firebase configuration object by assembling the accessed environment variables. This object forms the blueprint for connecting to Firebase during initialization.

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: API_KEY,
  authDomain: AUTH_DOMAIN,
  ... other configuration properties ...

One App, Many Flames: Reusing the Connection

Next, we check if a Firebase app instance already exists. If not, we initialize one using the initializeApp function and the configuration object. If an instance already exists, we simply retrieve it. This ensures efficient resource management and prevents redundant initializations.

export let firebase_app = getApps().length === 0 ? initializeApp(firebaseConfig) : getApps()[0];

Opening the Doors to Firestore and Analytics: Easy Access for All

Finally, we extract instances of Firestore and Analytics from the initialized Firebase app. These instances serve as gateways to interact with these specific Firebase services throughout our Next.js components.

export const db = getFirestore(firebase_app);
export const analytics = getAnalytics(firebase_app);

Beyond the Basics: Building upon our Secure Connection

This blog has laid the foundation for a secure and typed connection between Next.js and Firebase. From here, you can explore and implement various features like user authentication, data storage in Firestore, and real-time updates with Cloud Functions. Remember, this is just the beginning. Go forth and conquer the flames of Firebase with the power of Next.js and TypeScript!

By understanding these core concepts and applying them to your projects, you can build robust and secure Next.js applications powered by the reliable services of Firebase. Remember, stay secure, use types, and keep the flames of development burning bright!

Ready to dive deeper? Check out these resources for further exploration:

This blog post provides a technical explanation of connecting Next.js and Firebase with TypeScript, focusing on security and code structure.

4. Login/Logout Symphony: Secure Your Doors!

Initializing Firebase in TypeScript:

  • Install type definitions for Firebase:
   npm install --save-dev @types/firebase
  • Create a TypeScript file named firebase.ts:
   import firebase from 'firebase/app';
   import 'firebase/auth';

   const firebaseConfig = process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG as FirebaseConfig;

   if (!firebase.apps.length) {

   export const auth = firebase.auth();

Creating Login and Signup Pages with TypeScript:

  • Create new Next.js pages using .tsx extensions (e.g., pages/login.tsx and pages/signup.tsx).
  • Import types for Firebase authentication:
   import { auth, UserCredential } from '../firebase';
  • Use Firebase’s authentication methods with TypeScript types:
   // Signup example
   const signup = async (email: string, password: string): Promise<UserCredential> => {
     try {
       return await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
     } catch (error) {
       // Handle signup errors
       throw error;

Stay tuned for the next part, where we’ll explore even more exciting features of Firebase within Next.js! In the meantime, you can witness a practical implementation of these concepts in action:

Live Demo:

Explore the code, interact with the live application, and witness firsthand how Next.js and Firebase collaborate seamlessly to create dynamic and secure web experiences.

Stay curious, stay fiery, and stay tuned for more!

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