Trends in Software Architecture and Design for the year 2023


As the year 2023 nears its end, it’s a fitting time to ponder the prevalent themes within Software Architecture and Design that have shaped the past year.

This article aims to explore various key trends in software architecture and design, as highlighted by InfoQ. Our primary focus will revolve around the trends embraced by Innovators and Early Adopters, rather than the commonly recognized ones among the Early Majority and Late Majority groups.

The idea of Designing for Portability has gained considerable momentum, especially with frameworks like Dapr, emphasizing a cloud-native abstraction model. This approach allows architects to disentangle business logic from specific implementation details, fostering greater flexibility.

The influence of extensive language models is set to significantly impact multiple domains. These models are poised to aid in comprehending architectural trade-offs and empowering a new wave of developers working with low-code and no-code platforms.

Sustainability in software design is increasingly becoming a pivotal concern. Ongoing endeavors seek to measure and diminish the carbon footprint of software systems. Despite the expansion of decentralized applications, extending the utility of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies and NFTs, their broader adoption remains hindered by a lack of substantial consumer demand.

Architects persist in seeking methods to enhance the documentation, communication, and comprehension of decisions. There’s potential for extensive language models to play a future role, functioning as forensic experts to analyze ADRs (Architectural Decision Records) and git history.


Extensive Language Models:

These transformative models, exemplified by GPT-3, are revolutionizing natural language processing and AI capabilities across various domains. Their applications range from content generation and language translation to chatbots and code generation. However, ethical considerations regarding data biases, privacy, and responsible AI deployment require vigilant attention.

Software Supply Chain Security:

The emphasis on securing software supply chains has heightened due to the surge in cyberattacks targeting the software development process. Ensuring the integrity and security of software components and dependencies has become paramount, accentuated by recent high-profile attacks like the SolarWinds breach.

Designing for Sustainability:

Integrating eco-friendly design principles into product development practices has gained momentum, advocating for recycled materials, reduced energy consumption, and easily recyclable products, contributing to a more environmentally responsible business ecosystem.

GraphQL Federation:

This architectural pattern facilitates the integration of multiple GraphQL services into a unified API, particularly beneficial for organizations employing microservices architectures, streamlining API development.

Policy as Code:

Automating policy enforcement using code, particularly in cloud infrastructure and DevOps, ensures consistent application and auditing of security measures, reducing the risk of manual errors.

Early Adopters:

Designing for Portability:

Emphasizing solutions compatible across diverse platforms and environments, reducing vendor lock-in and simplifying migration between cloud providers or deployment environments.

Data-Driven Architecture:

Placing data at the core of system design to support decision-making, analytics, and insights through effective data modeling and accessibility.

Architecture as a Team Sport:

Acknowledging that architectural decisions involve collaboration among various stakeholders beyond just architects, necessitating a shared understanding of goals and constraints.

WebAssembly (Server-side and Client-side):

Enabling high-performance code execution in web browsers and serverless environments, facilitating efficient cross-platform applications.

Designing for Security:

Incorporating security measures into architecture from the outset to mitigate potential risks and vulnerabilities.
Designing for Resilience: Creating systems capable of withstanding failures and disruptions, ensuring minimal downtime or data loss during adverse conditions.

Designing for Observability:

Establishing systems that are easily monitored and analyzed for improved troubleshooting and incident response.

Micro Frontends:

Breaking down the frontend into smaller, independently deployable components for quicker development and deployment cycles while maintaining a cohesive user experience.


Standardizing the description of message-driven systems to facilitate building and maintaining asynchronous systems.
Workflow and Decision Automation Platforms: Streamlining and automating business processes and decisions across various industries.

Low Code / No Code:

Empowering users with varying technical expertise to create software applications without extensive coding, accelerating application development and democratizing software creation.

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