A Deep Dive into MySQL Enums: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Operations



Enumerated types, commonly known as Enums, are a fascinating topic in MySQL that often receives limited attention. Enum types allow you to define a set of valid string values for a column, offering both data integrity and readability. However, the use of Enums comes with its quirks and intricacies, particularly when performing arithmetic or aggregation operations on them.

This blog post aims to shed light on this nuanced topic, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of Enums in MySQL—specifically focusing on what happens when you perform certain operations like +0, MAX(), MIN(), and AVG() on an Enum column.


The information presented in this blog post is based on MySQL as of the date of publication. Please note that the behaviors and functionalities related to Enums or any other MySQL features may change in future versions. The examples and SQL queries mentioned are for educational purposes and should be used with caution in a production environment. Always make sure to test thoroughly before implementing any code or query in a live system. Neither the author nor the platform hosting this post will be responsible for any issues that arise from using the information provided herein.

What Are Enums?

In MySQL, an Enum is a string object that has a value chosen from a list of permitted values defined at the time of table creation.

    name ENUM('Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry')

Here, the name column can only take one of the three values: ‘Apple’, ‘Banana’, or ‘Cherry’.

The Enum Underbelly: Its Numeric Index

When you define an Enum, MySQL automatically assigns a numerical index to each of its elements, starting from 1. So, in our fruits table example, ‘Apple’ would have an index of 1, ‘Banana’ an index of 2, and so on. This numeric index is crucial for understanding how Enums behave during arithmetic and aggregation operations.

The +0 Operation: Converting Enum to Integer

When you perform a +0 operation on an Enum column, MySQL automatically converts the Enum value to its numeric index.

SQL Query:

SELECT name, name+0 FROM fruits;

Result Table:

| name   | name+0 |
| Apple  | 1      |
| Banana | 2      |
| Cherry | 3      |

Why Does This Matter?

Knowing the numerical index of an Enum can be useful in various scenarios:

  1. Data Transformations: When migrating data or transforming it for analytics, you might need to work with numeric values.
  2. Optimization: Numeric operations are generally faster than string manipulations, offering performance benefits.

Aggregation Operations: MAX(), MIN(), AVG()

The MAX() and MIN() Functions

When you use the MAX() or MIN() function on an Enum column, MySQL considers the numeric index of the Enum values for the operation.

SQL Query:

SELECT MAX(name), MIN(name) FROM fruits;

Result Table:

| MAX(name) | MIN(name) |
| Cherry    | Apple     |

The AVG() Function

Average operations (AVG()) on an Enum column can be somewhat misleading. MySQL first converts the Enum to its numeric index and then calculates the average. This might not give you a meaningful result, as the numeric index does not represent the data’s semantic value.

SQL Query:

SELECT AVG(name) FROM fruits;

Result Table:

| AVG(name) |
| 2         |

Bewildering Behaviors: The Case of T-Shirt Sizes


To explore some of the more intricate aspects of Enums, let’s consider a table named tshirt_sizes. This table has a column size that includes values like ‘x-large’, ‘large’, ‘medium’, ‘small’, and ‘x-small’.

SQL Query:

CREATE TABLE tshirt_sizes (
    size ENUM('x-large', 'large', 'medium', 'small', 'x-small')

The Quirkiness of ORDER BY: A Semantic Detour

On the surface, it might seem logical to expect that an ORDER BY query on this size column would sort the sizes from the smallest to the largest or vice versa. However, that’s far from what actually happens.

SQL Query:

SELECT size FROM tshirt_sizes ORDER BY size ASC;

Result Table:

| size    |
| large   |
| medium  |
| small   |
| x-large |
| x-small |

Demystifying with +0: The Numeric Reality

To uncover the method behind this madness, we can append +0 to the Enum column in our SQL query. This action converts the Enum values to their respective internal numeric indices.

SQL Query:

SELECT size, size+0 FROM tshirt_sizes ORDER BY size+0 ASC;

Result Table:

| size    | size+0 |
| x-large | 1      |
| large   | 2      |
| medium  | 3      |
| small   | 4      |
| x-small | 5      |

The Oddity of MAX(): Lexical Over Numerical

When you call MAX() on this column, the result is equally perplexing. Unlike other operations, MAX() doesn’t use the internal numeric index. Instead, it reverts to lexical (alphabetical) ordering.

SQL Query:

SELECT MAX(size) FROM tshirt_sizes;

Result Table:

| MAX(size) |
| x-small   |

Summary: A Tale of Dual Personalities

Enums in MySQL are like Janus, the two-faced Roman god; they have two identities. One is the string value that you see, and the other is an internal numeric index that MySQL sees. Understanding this duality is crucial for leveraging Enums effectively and avoiding pitfalls.

Caveats and Recommendations

  1. Readability vs. Flexibility: Enums are readable but not very flexible. Adding a new value requires altering the table schema.
  2. Data Integrity: Enums enforce data integrity but can be restrictive.
  3. Performance: Enum operations are usually faster but can lead to unexpected results due to their numeric indexing.


Enums in MySQL offer a convenient way to enforce data integrity and readability. However, when it comes to operations like +0, MAX(), MIN(), and AVG(), understanding the underlying numeric index is crucial. This can be both an advantage and a pitfall, depending on your specific use-case. As with any feature, thoughtful consideration is required to wield Enums effectively.

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