“The best program for today’s PMMs” | Launa Chavez


Launa Chavez is a prestigious product marketing manager with years of experience under her belt. 

She recently decided that she wanted to enhance her product marketing (PMM) skills, so, her first port of call? Getting stuck into an exclusive PMA membership, of course!

Launa enlightens us about her PMA membership experience, getting into key factors such as:

  • Her motivation for joining the membership
  • What she’s enjoyed most since joining
  • The resources she’s found most helpful
  • How the membership has helped her network
  • The impact the membership’s had on her professional growth

And more! 

How did you find out about the PMA membership?

Three years ago, the company I worked for had a great opportunity to invest in professional development, and I wanted an alternative to Pragmatic Marketing.

So, I conducted some research and discovered PMA through a search on Product Marketing education and community.

What was your motivation for joining this membership?

As with many aspects of business, product marketing is constantly evolving, and I was hungry to learn more about how product marketing had developed as a discipline. 

Not only that, I needed to cultivate a clear swim lane of roles and responsibilities at my organization. Historically, there hasn’t been a standard of this kind. Not only that, but it can vary across companies and industries. 

PMA had exactly what I was looking for in curriculum, community, events, webinars, articles, templates and frameworks, and so much more!

What have you enjoyed most since joining?

Since joining, I’ve had access to a wealth of resources and other benefits that a PMA membership has to offer. In terms of what I’ve enjoyed most, overall, I’d say: The curriculum, community, webinars, articles, templates, and the PMA staff. 

However, from a “day one” perspective, the value I’ve gained from the templates is fantastic, they’re a superb resource – undoubtedly the most beneficial resource I’ve come across – and save me so much time. Not only that, they instantly ignite creativity which, in turn, boosts productivity.

What type of presentations have you found the most insightful and useful?

I’ve experienced quite a few presentations, all super useful. The ones I’ve found most insightful have to be the Masters of Product Marketing, positioning, competitive intelligence, and product launch.

How have you utilized these resources in your work?

I’ve implemented Sharepoint product playbooks within my work. They’re practical and easy to use, so I can take and apply the results I’ve garnered from multiple templates and curate them in self-service and easy-to-consume product toolkits for all stakeholders. 

They have proven to be super-valuable tools.

Has this membership helped you to network? If so, how, and have you built any new connections?

Aside from being part of PMA’s ever-growing, always-inspiring Slack community, I met with PMA’s Georgia Horsely (who produces their webinar series) and had the amazing opportunity to give a webinar talk on the PMA Launch Checklist and GTM strategy.

Through that opportunity and posting the recording on LinkedIn, I’ve been able to boost my LinkedIn impressions significantly which is helping in my search to find the perfect PMM role. 

How has this membership impacted your professional growth?

This membership has greatly impacted my professional growth! Product marketing as a discipline is evolving quickly. My membership has been pivotal in keeping my skill set up to date. 

This is so important, particularly for now since I’ve been laid off and am actively searching for a new product marketing position.

Has there been a specific instance where this membership has helped you overcome a professional challenge?

Stemming off of my answer to a question above (Has this membership helped you to network?) – after seeing the value in how I’ve leveraged PMA in my work, Georgia gave me the fantastic opportunity to be a PMA speaker. 

This came about at the perfect time – in my job search. It provided a massive boost to my confidence and added further credibility to my portfolio. 

How do you see the value of this membership in comparison to other professional memberships you’re part of?

PMA offers THE BEST program for today’s product marketing professionals. They combine courses, webinars, events, articles, podcasts, blogs, templates and frameworks, mentorships, and frameworks. 

Most of all, they foster a global community of practitioners who are second to none. Help is always just a ‘Slack’ question away!

What would you say to fellow product marketing professionals considering joining a PMA membership?

For any product marketers looking to advance their skills and stay competitive in the market, PMA is a MUST-HAVE membership. 

Any final thoughts or comments you’d like to share about your experience with this membership?

PMA membership is critical, especially in the remote work world. Being part of this community has been a true lifeline.

Are you ready to join Launa and become a PMA member?

Here at PMA, we have a number of memberships available – no matter your circumstances. From our free Insider membership to Pro, Pro+, and Exec+, you can gain exclusive access to help you excel in your career and be the PMM master you were born to be! 

Here’s a sneak peek… our free Insider membership will provide you with: 

💌 Monthly newsletter

🌏 Slack community network

🤝 Meetups & festivals

🔖6 Templates & frameworks

📚Ungated access to all reports

💸Salary calculator

🤓65+ hours’ of presentations

🎓PMA Academy

💡Quarterly bonus content

And more!

With our Pro, Pro+, and Exec+ memberships, you will have access to everything provided in our free plan, as well as access to the likes of 90+ frameworks & templates, PMM mentorship program, 40% discount on summits, 10% discount on certifications, 20+ Masters certifications, PMM director dinners, PMA annual retreat, and much, much more.

If you’re interested in becoming a member and want to ask your boss to fund you – but aren’t quite sure how to go about it – take a look at our “convince the boss” email templates.

Don’t be shy, get involved and elevate your product marketing to new, greater heights!

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