#ThisMonthInSWA – Jul 2023


Welcome to the July 2023 update!

Yes, we’re back after a brief hiatus, with a simpler format for our monthly updates! 🎉 Three useful links to know:

📺 | Community Standup: July

The Azure Static Web Apps Community Standup is live-streamed on the last Thursday of each month. Join the team for interactive demo and discussions with familiar speakers and surprise guests.

The last standup happened on July 27, 2023 where we walked through adding backend functionality to your single-page app using Azure Functions. Missed the livestream? You can catch up on the replay here!

📖 | Monthly Roundup : July

We round up the latest news, product announcements, content and community highlights – in one compact post!

Community Blogs

Community Videos

Community Events

  • Hack Together: The JavaScript On Azure Global Hack – Join students, beginners and experienced developers worldwide for this 2-week virtual hack experience on a learning journey to build enterprise-grade applications like the Contoso Real Estate app above. Aug 16-Aug 31.

🌟 | Spotlight On: Contoso Real Estate App

Did you know we open-sourced an enterprise-grade application at Microsoft Build? It showcases a composable architecture using technologies like Azure Static Web Apps, Azure Functions, Azure Cosmos DB and more? If you missed attending that session in person, read on for some resources you can use to explore this on your own:

Microsoft Build Session Banner

1. Reference Architecture

The Contoso Real Estate app is the first enterprise-grade sample showing a multi-scenario composable architecture sample for JavaScript on Azure. Visit the repo for code and documentation to help you navigate the sample.

The Contoso Reference Architecture

2. Teaser Video

Want to know what the end result of that deployment looks like? Get a sneak peek at what you will build

Illustrated Guide

Want to get a sense of why we built the application, and what you will learn? Check out this illustrated guide – you can also download the hi-res version of this image for a closer look.

Contoso Real Estate Sketchnote

🚨 | Call To Action!

Want to explore this further? Here are 4 actions you can take today:

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