Music Monday — What are you listening to? (Pets Edition)


cover image source: Giphy

Alright, I know this is a weird edition, but hear me out! Those of you with pets, do you have certain theme songs for your different pets? I bet you do. Some of you might even have pets that are named after songs! Don’t have a pet at all, don’t worry… just imagine you have a pet. What would you sing to your imaginary pet? Haha, yep, like I said, it’s weird. Just humor me and roll with it!

A cat banging on a tambourine

How we do

In this weekly series, folks can chime in and drop links to whatever it is they’ve been listening to recently + browse others suggestions. You can follow the suggested genre if you’d like, but don’t feel confined to it; you’re free to suggest whatever you wanna. 🙌

If you’re interested in having other discussions about music, consider following the aptly named #music discussions organization.

Alright, alright, let’s listen to some tunes. Note: you can embed a link to your song using the following syntax {% embed https://... %}. This should work for most common platforms!

Looking forward to listening to y’all’s suggestions! 🎶

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