The Complete Guide to Fintech Content Marketing

photo shows chimpanzee in business clothes working on fintech content marketing

The financial technology market is in a golden-age, a renaissance if you will. It’s the 21st century and everyone wants in on the next big advancement in tech. But just like every other industry, the key to business growth lies in content marketing.

If you aren’t effectively using content marketing – check out this graphic from Some studies suggest digital ad spending will soar to $242.80 billion by 2024.

Source: eMarketer

If you aren’t using content marketing, you’re behind the times and this is your sign to catch up!

If you are using content marketing already let’s get a little honesty going… No one is perfect – and there are things to keep in mind when improving the content you’re putting out on your website.

Here’s a quick brush up on the basics from Intrinio:

Quick Takeaways:

  • If you aren’t using content marketing, it’s time to get with it
  • Building an organic audience over time can be more efficient and better for your bottom dollar than 100% paid advertising
  • Maintaining a consistent and quality content marketing schedule is crucial to your bottom line

We’ve thrown a list together of helpful tips for your brand to maximize the value of your content marketing efforts for your Fintech business:

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy of attracting relevant prospects to your website by consistently publishing articles and other content that answers customer questions and addresses key trends in your industry. Through education, thought leadership and brand storytelling, you reach, engage and convert new customers at a much more affordable rate than most any other marketing activity.

You need to adopt a solid content marketing strategy to maximize the eyes on your product or service. It’s easy to forget about in the hussle, but crucial to your short- and long-term sales goals for your business.

This guiding star is especially beneficial for businesses that expect their prospects to seek education and information before they purchase. In Fintech, this is most of your base, so creating context about why they need your item and leading them to the conclusion is key. Why is your app the next Robinhood?

So is content marketing that difficult? Well, it can be – but it is worth the effort. Content marketing is sustainable and gives the benefit of offering exponential growth to your brand. Here are the definitions you need to know:


Source: Growth Badger

Traffic is a reflection of the number of users that come to your site and the number of pages (or pageviews) they visit. Analytics platforms like Google Analytics, and Adobe can help you not only understand how much traffic you get but also the source of that traffic. Most Financial Technology websites get their traffic from search and direct traffic. Social media only accounts for a small portion of website traffic and leads. For paid, it’s even less!

So, what does quality content look like? Well, if you’re looking for blogging advice, we’ve got you covered with our guide to the perfect blog post. But for good measure, here’s some quick pointers for publishing content on your website.

1. Keep your word count between 1000 – 1800 words

Our research shows that articles shorter than 1,000 words are unlikely to rank. And articles over 2,000 take too long (although they are more likely to rank the more words you use. My best advice is to write content as long as it should be to provide a thorough answer to the searchers intent. But not so long that it prevents you from answering another search question.

2. Know your keywords

While we are not an SEO agency, we have always used keywords to drive our strategy. Why? Because they tell you what questions and challenges your audience has. Then you can determine which of those topics you want to write about.

3. Have a compelling meta description

This is the summary text that Google will show in your search ranking. So make it good and descriptive enough to tell people what the content is about.

5 Benefits of Fintech Content Marketing

Fintech companies are known for disrupting the traditional financial services industry with innovative products and services that cater to the needs of consumers in the digital age.

But, in order to reach your target audience effectively, you need to have a strong content marketing strategy in place. After all, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates three times more leads per dollar spent!

graphic shows that fintech content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates three times more leads per dollar spent

Image Source: Growfusely

If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s 5 more benefits of fintech content marketing.

1. Builds Brand Awareness

One of the primary benefits of content marketing is that it helps build brand awareness. By creating high quality content that resonates with your target audience, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. More specifically, fintech companies can use content marketing to build brand awareness through:

  • SEO. By optimizing your content for search engines, you can improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it easier for people to find your brand when they search for related topics.
  • Social Media. Social media platforms are great channels for sharing your content with a wider audience. By creating engaging posts that showcase your brand’s personality and values, you can attract followers who may become customers.
  • Email Marketing. Email marketing is a great way to distribute your content to a targeted audience. By creating email campaigns that offer value to your subscribers, you can keep your brand top-of-mind and increase the likelihood that they will engage with your brand.
  • Guest Blogging. Guest blogging on industry-related websites can help you reach a wider audience and establish your brand as an authority in your field.

This, in turn, helps to increase your brand’s visibility and reputation, ultimately leading to more customers and revenue.

2. Increases Website Traffic

Another significant benefit of fintech content marketing is that it helps drive more traffic to your website. By optimizing your content for search engines and promoting it on social media and other channels, you can attract potential customers who are actively looking for the solutions you offer.

For example, fintech companies that blog consistently can address common financial questions and concerns, ultimately attracting potential customers who are actively seeking solutions online. Ultimately, this can lead to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

3. Builds Customer Trust

Trust is a critical factor in the financial services industry, and fintech companies are no exception. By creating content that is informative and educational, you can establish trust with prospects and customers. When people see that you are knowledgeable and helpful, they are more likely to trust you with their financial needs.

4. Provides Value to Customers

In addition to building trust, fintech content marketing provides value to customers. By creating content that helps people solve their financial problems and improve their financial literacy, you are providing a valuable service to your customers. Consider sharing:

  • Product demos
  • Case studies
  • News and trends
  • Personalized content

This demonstrates your company’s dedication to serving its audience, ultimately leading to greater customer loyalty and increased revenue.

5. Positions Your Company for Long-Term Success

Fintech content marketing will also help position your company for long-term success. By creating content that is relevant and engaging to your target audience, you can:

  • Establish brand authority
  • Secure repeat business
  • Gain a competitive advantage
  • Generate more leads

By investing your time and effort into a content marketing strategy that prioritizes the needs of your customers, you can build a foundation for long-term success and achieve your business objectives over time.

Tips for Content Marketing Your Fintech Business

Know your audience

Any great piece of content starts with a firm understanding of what your audience needs from an article. Naturally, you’re trying to get them to your site to buy into your product or service, but the key part of that is getting them to your site.

As mentioned, in Fintech this is most of your base, so creating context about why they need your item and leading them to the conclusion is key.

Imagine for example, you’re looking to sell your new mobile budgeting app. Creating content focused around keywords like budgeting or financial will bring your target demo (budgeters) to your site. Things like Top 10 Financial Assistance Apps or Best Ways to Invest will draw them into your site.

Use Good Sources

Good sources are important. Being able to show legitimacy in what you’re saying improves trust with the reader, making them more likely to convert. Think about it this way – using someone else’s credibility to prove your point is not just okay to do, it’s the smart thing to do.

The big sites to avoid? The same ones that your high school teachers used to yell at you for (We’re looking at you Wikipedia).

This also includes citing data. says:

Ground your content in facts: Data, research, and numbers are the foundation for any story. Your ideas and opinions and spin might be part of that story—or they might not be, depending on what you are trying to convey.

They’re right! Data drives your legitimacy and your points home to the reader, especially to those in your industry who rely on numbers and trends.

Hire Great Writers

If your operation is expanding or you’re running out of time to properly handle your content marketing efforts, it might be time to hire some help!

There’s two options for this that yield similar results. You can either hire experienced content writers that have experience in SEO writing, or – hire a content marketing agency to do the research, writing, and publishing.

If you look to hire individual writers, try to find those not just with SEO experience but also Fintech experience in general. Having specialists on your team that have been brought up in the industry can provide excellent viewpoints and content for your website.

There’s benefits to both, but with a consultancy you often gain access to resources and experience you can’t always get with individual writers. Doing your research on both is important to finding what’s best for your business.

Optimize for SEO

circle graph shows that SEO has the highest ROI for B2B websites

Image Source: WordStream

Seeing how your organic search rankings are performing is crucial to a healthy content marketing strategy. Keywords drive your content, because the higher you rank with keywords, the higher you are on Google’s search results. Be honest, when was the last time you clicked the seventh link down?

There’s tons of automated SEO tools that can make your life much easier when optimizing your content.

Publish Consistently

This should be a no-brainer, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. But the reality of content marketing is that for your efforts to be successful you need quality content as close to daily as possible.

On average, it takes about 3-4 months of consistent, quality content to see larger yield. One article per week is a solid start, but getting into a daily rhythm of publishing will give you the quickest result over a shorter period of time.

Distribute on Social Media

How’s your social media presence? If your answer is we have none or not great, chances are your visibility is low. Being plugged into your target communities builds brand recognition and trust with prospects.

If you haven’t been already, you should be publishing your content across all of your social media channels in your brand voice to give your traffic that extra boost.

Distribute to Mail Lists

Who can forget services like MailChimp and Constant Contact? Creating subscriber lists out of customers and prospects that visit your site creates an easy line of communication. Sending out daily articles straight to their emails is a no-nonsense way of getting your information out there.

These sites also have built-in analytics pages to give you the best overview of your distribution efforts. Things like open rate, best time of day to send, and percentage of links being clicked.

Use Analytics

Analytics should drive your content. Using Google Analytics and other internal analytics tools from the resources you already use will give you insight into where your content does best.

Additionally, analytics tell you where your content could use some work. If certain pieces aren’t drawing many eyes or have the lowest conversion rates, it might be time to experiment with other types of content.

Optimize For Mobile

This seems like an obvious one, but when was the last time you opened your website on your phone? Mobile viewability is not only necessary but a must have when publishing content. More than half of all content is viewed on a phone. If your website isn’t optimized for it, you’re only making yourself look bad! Especially in the Fintech world where technological development increases your credibility. This is one of those things that is perfectly acceptable to hire contractors or consultancies for.

Repurpose Your Content

We didn’t forget about all that hard work you’ve already put in! Your best performing articles don’t need to sit on your website rotting to the webpages of time.

Articles that once brought in great traffic eventually fall out of touch with the ever changing world of search engine optimization. Not to mention, the actual content can become irrelevant to today’s world. This happens all the time in the ever-changing world of financial technology. says:

Marketers can turn an article into a video, or an infographic – or the opposite in each case as well. They can reuse tips in an article by breaking them down into a series of posts or Stories frames, or they might post soundbites from a podcast directly to their social channels.

Having your writers restructure your content into different forms can be the gift that keeps on giving. Even a quick freshening up of an old article from a few years ago with modern information can be the makeover your content needs to be back on top of the page!

Ways of Using Paid Content Marketing

Google something. Anything. Chances are that the top 2 or 3 sites are promoted, or paid to be ranked that high. Companies in every industry often commit funds to put their sites above the competition.

Google ads sponsors their own form of an auction that you can bid on. Typically you’d bid on keywords that are relevant to your topic or business’ product or service.

The point? People like seeing their favorite social media stars showcasing products and their favorite companies. Lately companies like Hello Fresh and BetterHelp have seen record sign-up numbers with targeting paid advertising on successful podcast channels of diverse genres. Next time you’re listening to your favorite tech podcast, listen to what’s being marketed to you.

How’s your social media presence? If your answer is we have none or not great, chances are your visibility is low. Being plugged into your target communities builds brand recognition and trust with prospects.

If your answer is pretty good, actually, paid social media promotion might be one of your best options when considering your paid content marketing strategy.

These companies have their own algorithms and targeting practices so that you know your advertisements are reaching your target audience and buyer personas. By paying your way in with your social media content you can gain followers and engagements on your posts to attract new customers.

Influencer marketing

How about a different way to advertise on social media? Influencer marketing is sending money to users with prominent follower counts to demonstrate or promote your product or service.

Many financial-centered apps have found their way onto sites like Twitch and YouTube, hiring popular personalities to showcase and promote their products. Look into Marques Brownlee for examples of this – companies will send him tech to showcase to his 10 million viewers!

Influencer marketing may be new to the fold but it’s definitely here to stay. How can your company utilize it?

Wrap Up

Content marketing, while rewarding, can be difficult to keep up with and regularly maintain for your Fintech business. By using some of the tips we’ve provided, you can get and stay on track to blow past your conversion goals for your content marketing efforts!

Do you want to use some of the marketing strategies seen here on MIG’s site but need some help or advice? Marketing Insider Group has a team of 35+ experienced writers ready to produce content for YOUR business. Check out our weekly blog content service or schedule a free consultation.

The post The Complete Guide to Fintech Content Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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