25 Timeless Articles Every Content Marketer Needs to Read


Over the years, we’ve read (and written) some of the best marketing articles, making our judgment pretty great when it comes to determining value. We know what it takes to share insight that makes a difference. The best marketing articles are not only chock-full of valuable insight, but they also stand the test of time.

As content marketing experts, we realize that not everyone has this superpower. And if they do, they definitely don’t have the time to sift through Google SERPs to find the real marketing gems. That’s why we’ve done the groundwork for our fellow content marketers, and compiled a list of the 25 best marketing articles that everyone needs to read.

Quick Takeaways

  • 90.63% of content gets no organic search traffic from Google
  • The best way to use AI platforms, like ChatGPT, is as a writing tool, not as a shortcut 
  • Social media traffic only accounts for 3% of B2B traffic, making it important for you to consider other digital channels
  • Outsourcing content creation allows you to save time, publish content consistently, and gain expert advice

Reading up on the best marketing articles is ideal for gaining insight that will promote the growth of your business.

25 Best Marketing Articles

No time to sift through Google SERPs? No problem. Here’s 25 of the best marketing articles that every content marketing needs to read.

1. Why Mass Marketing Will Not Work On Gen Z

By Auntoinette Siu

It comes as a surprise that as each generation evolves, so do their marketing preferences. Gen Z is rejecting mainstream media and quickly soaking up niche content – a stark shift from consumer preferences of the past. This article dives into the what, why, and how of Gen Z subcultures in hopes to better understand the needs of one of today’s youngest target audiences.

2. 90.63% of Content Gets No Traffic From Google. And How to Be in the Other 9.37%

By Tim Soulo

graph shows that 90.63% of pages get no organic search traffic from Google

Image Source: Ahrefs

As expert content marketers, we understand the importance of a strong SEO strategy. Whether your content is poorly aligned with search intent or lacking the right amount of backlinks, you have to optimize your content to rank on SERPs if you want to generate organic search traffic. Ahrefs’ article proves the gravity of Google’s role in organic search traffic, and shares some effective tips on how to rank.

3. SEO: How To Generate More Clicks From Your Current Rankings

By Ann Smarty

You’ve already published content that reigns supreme in the eyes of Google. The problem is that you aren’t getting the clicks that your content deserves, which means you’re also missing out on opportunities to convert leads. In this post from Convince & Convert, you’ll learn how to secure more clicks without pouring your marketing budget into paid search ads.

4. How To Write Like Robots Can’t

By Ann Handley

ChatGPT is all the rage these days, and with good reason – it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before. But, as content creators, we can’t forget about the significance of human connection in our work.

AI may have the power to generate a 2,000 word blog post in seconds, but it can’t write high-quality content like humans can. In Ann Handley’s post, you’ll learn how to use AI as a tool instead of a shortcut, and gain some insider tips on out-writing the (robot) competition.

5. What Is Brand Storytelling?

By Michael Brenner

A great story can capture and keep anyone’s attention – so why not turn your brand into the best storyteller of them all? By sharing a brand narrative that positions your customer as the hero, you’ll connect with consumers on an emotional level and develop their curiosity. Our article on brand storytelling has everything you need to create a brand that connects with its audience through stories.

6. Marketing Technology Landscape 2022: Search 9,932 Solutions On Martechmap.com

By Scott Brinker

image shows martechmap.com marketing technology landscape

Image Source: ChiefMartec

Want to optimize your marketing efforts and achieve your business goals? You can use martechmp.com for free to search, sort, and filter through this year’s marketing technology landscape. Read ChiefMartec’s article to learn more about the uses and benefits of their interactive site.

7. The Ultimate Content Marketing Strategy Template

By Michael Brenner

We get it – creating a content marketing strategy from scratch is intimidating. Not only is it a time consuming process, but there’s also no guarantee that it’s going to get the job done. Here’s our very own Content Marketing Strategy Template, designed to deliver results, so you can save time and start growing your business with content marketing.

8. Get The Full Picture: How to Calculate True Cost of Your Content

By Brody Dorland

You’re creating high-quality, SEO content consistently, but is it costing you more money and resources than it’s generating? Here’s an article with great insight from one of our favorite resources, DivvyHQ, on how to calculate the true cost of your content and maximize your ROI.

9. Your B2B Website Power Page: Seven Must-Have Ingredients

By Lesley Vos

Do you know what your company’s power page is? If not, you’re missing out on an opportunity to boost your site’s reputation and authority. In this Marketing Profs post, you’ll learn how to build and deliver a power page that generates more organic traffic and breakthrough conversions.

10. 5 Emotional Writing Tactics to Consider in Content Marketing

By Olesia Filipenko

At Marketing Insider Group, we’re big fans of using psychology in our writing to generate and convert more leads. Do you want to keep your audience engaged, too? If so, integrating emotional writing into your content strategy is a great way to start. Read this article from Orbit Media to learn 5 effective emotional writing tactics to consider using in your content creation process.

11. How Often Should You Blog? Blog Post Frequency Research

By Michael Brenner

Are you working hard at your content marketing game but lacking the results you expected? It could be your blogging strategy that’s holding you back from success. Here’s the cold hard facts about blog post frequency from one of our very own, Michael Brenner, so you can build a consistent strategy that maximizes ROI.

12. 7 Things B2B Content Marketers Need in 2023

By Stephanie Stahl

pie chart shows that content marketing is becoming increasingly more important for B2B businesses

Image Source: Content Marketing Institute

A recent survey by the Content Marketing Institute found that content marketing has become more important to success for 71% of B2B marketers. If you want your organization to overcome 2023’s biggest marketing challenges, this post is a great place to start.

13. Google Says AI Generated Content Is Against Guidelines

By Matt G. Southern

Do you remember Google’s most recent Helpful Content Update? If so, you’ll also recall that it values content written by humans over content written by robots. In this article from Search Engine Journal, you’ll learn how Google views AI-generated content, and effective uses for AI writing tools that won’t hurt your site’s perceived value in the eyes of search engines.

14. 11 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Content Creation

By Michael Brenner

Ah, content creation – the most important ingredient to the recipe for content marketing success. But, it’s also one of the most time-consuming. Outsourcing your content creation will not only help you save time, but also publish consistently and gain expert advice. Read our article on the benefits of outsourcing content creation to learn why it makes sense for most B2B businesses.

15. How To Calculate Your SEO ROI Using Google Analytics

By Adriana Stein

As a business owner, you already know the importance of measuring your results to maximize your ROI – but do you know how to do it efficiently and effectively? At MIG, we use Google Analytics to analyze both our own and clients’ SEO ROI. Moz’s article does a great job at outlining the most effective ways to measure your content’s success with Google Analytics.

16. How Publishers are Experimenting with More Homepage Personalization Sections

By Sara Guaglione

New York Times publishers are prioritizing personalization and tailoring content to the interests and behaviors of their readers. Why, you ask? Curated content keeps readers curious and eager to engage. In this post from Digiday, you’ll learn how publishing professionals are running experiments that result in increased readership and engagement.

17. How Much Budget Do You Need for Content Marketing?

By Michael Brenner

A great content marketing strategy could be the key to achieving your company goals – but as a small business, you don’t necessarily have the resources to hire a renowned CMO. So, how much budget do you really need to build a strategy that generates results?

Once you learn that consistent content creation is the secret to success, maximizing your marketing budget becomes a lot easier.

bar graph shows that 83% of marketers are going to increase their content creation budget in 2023

Image Source: Neil Patel

Here’s our advice on how to make the most of your resources, and must-have marketing tools that deliver results.

18. How to Track and Nurture Leads At Every Stage of the Customer Journey

By Haley McDevitt

Generating organic traffic is a small step towards increasing your revenue. Once you increase your number of site visitors, you need to track and nurture your leads to really see results. This post from Televerde shares 7 tracking and nurturing strategies that will help optimize the customer journey for conversions.

19. How To Write A Blog Post Introduction That Grabs and Holds Attention

By Brian Clark

The introduction to your blog post is almost as important as its attention-grabbing headline. If you want to boost engagement with your blog page, you need to write blog post introductions that entice readers to keep reading. Here’s an article that outlines 5 easy writing tricks that are likely to intrigue your audience.

20. 100+ Eye-Opening Content Marketing Statistics for 2023

By Maeva Conley

Reading up on the latest content marketing statistics is great for:

  1. Refining your own marketing strategy
  2. Informing and engaging your readers

At Marketing Insider Group, we share the latest statistics with our readers via blog posts to keep them up to speed with industry trends. We also use data to update the content creation process we use for both clients’ and MIG’s blog page.

21. How to Define and Measure the ROI of Content Marketing

By Michael Brenner

As the marketing industry becomes more and more saturated, the importance of measuring your ROI grows, too. Get ahead of the 44% of companies that aren’t measuring their content marketing results, and learn how to properly define your company’s strategy by reading our article on the ROI of content marketing here.

22. Here’s What We Learned About Content Marketing

By Brain Dean

Are you still perfecting your company’s content marketing strategy? Do you want a better understanding of content marketing as a whole? Banklinko’s key findings on content marketing have the power to maximize your company’s performance.

23. 48 Call-to-Action Examples You Can’t Help But Click

By Brittany Leaning 

By now, you probably know that without an effective CTA, it’s hard to encourage readers to take action. But what qualifies as an “effective” CTA? And how should you use CTAs to optimize conversions? This blog post shares 48 examples of CTAs that are sure to increase your click-rate.

24. Why Social Media Isn’t Enough To Drive Your Business Growth

By Michael Brenner

There may be 4 billion people on social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best place for you to drive business growth. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – social media traffic only accounts for 3% of B2B traffic, making it super important for you to consider other channels.

circle graph shows that only 3% of traffic comes from social media

Image Source: The Mayoros Agency

Here’s our take on why you need more than social media marketing to grow your business, and how to get your content and social media to work together.

25. 10 Benefits of Consistent, High-Quality Content Marketing

By Rebecca Riserbato

You’ve heard us say it a million times: consistency is key. Increasing engagement, enhancing brand awareness, and driving more revenue all starts with commitment to a consistent content marketing strategy. Here’s a post that outlines the benefits of consistent marketing, and how to score your content according to potential and performance.

Do You Want To Publish One of The Best Marketing Articles?

Writing one of the best marketing articles is easy when you use a data-driven, expert-level approach to content creation. Publishing a top-ranking article will drive more organic traffic to your site and generate more qualified leads.

Are you ready to convert more leads? First, you have to publish high quality content that connects your brand with your target audience. Get started today by checking out our weekly blog content service, or schedule a free consultation now to learn more!

The post 25 Timeless Articles Every Content Marketer Needs to Read appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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