How to use ChatGPT for product marketing


How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or have no access to the internet, you’ll have heard of ChatGPT and its recent takeover of the AI space.

But for those of you who aren’t familiar with what it is, allow me to explain…

In this article, I’ll be covering:

Plus, how to use ChatGPT for:

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a virtual assistant powered by OpenAI’s GPT language model. First introduced in 2018, it’s since advanced into the GPT-3 model we know today.

ChatGPT has spurred hundreds of conversations around the world on the extent of its abilities, whether it’s going to take over our jobs (spoiler: likely not), and how we can use it to finetune our strategies and alleviate our workload.

So, in relation to the latter question, how can you, as product marketing professionals, use ChatGPT within your role to make your lives easier?

I figured we’d get a bit meta and ask ChatGPT directly.

How can ChatGPT support product marketers?

After some experimentation, I discovered a range of use cases in which product marketers can use ChatGPT to improve their product marketing strategy.

These five areas included:

  • Market research
  • Content creation
  • Competitive analysis
  • Customer engagement
  • Sales enablement

What to consider when using ChatGPT prompts

To help ChatGPT understand your requirements and exactly what you need from it, here are some tips on how to word the prompts effectively:

  1. Be clear and concise: Avoid using ambiguous language or jargon that may be difficult for ChatGPT to interpret. Provide clear instructions or questions that are easy to understand.
  2. Provide context: Give it some background information about the topic or task at hand. This can help ChatGPT better understand your needs and provide more relevant and accurate responses.
  3. Be specific: Provide specific details or examples to help it understand what you’re looking for. This can help it generate more relevant and useful responses.
  4. Avoid assumptions: Don’t assume that it knows what you’re talking about. Even if the topic or task seems straightforward, provide as much context and detail as possible to help ChatGPT fully understand your needs.

How to use ChatGPT for market research

When I asked ChatGPT how it can support with market research, it said: “I can help product marketers to identify their target audience and understand their needs and preferences through market research.

“By analyzing data and consumer behavior, I can provide insights informing product development, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns.”

Use case example

Suppose a company’s planning to launch a new line of organic snacks. They may want to conduct market research to understand customer needs.

ChatGPT can help by conducting surveys, analyzing social media conversations and reviews, and researching industry reports to gather data on consumer preferences for organic snacks.

Based on the data collected, ChatGPT can provide insights such as:

  • Age groups that are most interested in this type of product
  • The most popular types of organic snacks
  • Preferred flavors and ingredients
  • Price points that consumers are willing to pay

These insights can then inform product development decisions, such as which types of snacks to produce and what ingredients to use.

Plus, pricing strategies can be developed based on the price points that consumers are willing to pay. Marketing campaigns can also be designed to appeal to the target audience’s needs and preferences, using messaging and visuals that resonate with them.

ChatGPT prompts for market research

Here’s a prompt you could use to help with your market research:

“I need you to assist me in conducting market research for a new product that is [explain product].

“Please provide insights on the age groups that are most interested in [product], the most popular types of [product], preferred [features] for [product], and price points that consumers are willing to pay for [product].

“This information will be used to inform product development decisions, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns that appeal to our target audience.”

Prompt in action

Using the prompt I created, I used it to help with our hypothetical use case of organic snacks that I mentioned previously. This is what ChatGPT said:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

You can then ask it to expand on any points, as outlined below:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

How to use ChatGPT for content creation

When asked how ChatGPT could support content creation, it said: “I can assist product marketers in creating compelling and engaging content that will resonate with their target audience.

“From product descriptions to blog posts to social media content, I can help generate ideas, craft messages, and optimize content for SEO and other marketing channels.”

Use case example

ChatGPT can provide valuable ideas for showcasing the features and benefits of products in a way that appeals to potential customers, making them more likely to purchase.

Not only that, but it can also help with crafting messages for blog posts or social media content that aligns with a company’s brand voice, ensuring consistent messaging across all marketing channels. The team can optimize content for SEO and other marketing channels, improving its visibility and reach among potential customers.

ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance with product marketing content creation, from ideation to optimization. This can help companies to achieve their marketing goals and drive sales, ultimately leading to business success.

ChatGPT prompts for content creation

“I need you to assist me with content creation for a new product launch at [company name].

“We need assistance with creating product descriptions for our website, as well as crafting messages for blog posts and social media content that aligns with our brand voice and optimizes content for SEO and other marketing channels.

“Please provide three ideas for how to showcase the features and benefits of our product in a way that will appeal to potential customers, and ensure that our messaging is consistent and effective across all channels.”

Using this prompt, here’s the feedback generated from ChatGPT:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

I then asked it to expand on the final point and give me three pieces of educational content that’d be impactful. ChatGPT said:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

How to use ChatGPT for competitive analysis

ChatGPT said: “I can help product marketers to stay up-to-date with their competitors by monitoring their marketing efforts, product launches, and industry trends. By analyzing this information, I can help product marketers to identify areas of opportunity and potential threats to their business.”

Use case example

ChatGPT can provide assistance to companies looking to analyze their competitors in order to identify areas of opportunity and potential threats. With expertise in analyzing competitor websites, social media accounts, and advertising campaigns, the team can provide valuable insights that can inform marketing and business strategy decisions.

By identifying areas of opportunity and potential threats, companies can make informed decisions about which products or services to promote, and how to differentiate themselves from competitors. This can help to strengthen their market position and drive business growth.

ChatGPT prompts for competitive analysis

“I need you to assist with conducting a competitive analysis of our industry, which is [explain industry].

“We need help analyzing competitor websites, social media accounts, and advertising campaigns to identify areas of opportunity and potential threats to our business.

“Please provide three examples of how we can differentiate ourselves from our competitors, who are [list three competitors], and inform our marketing and business strategy decisions.

“We also need five recommendations on which products or services we should promote based on our analysis.”

Following this prompt pattern, I used ‘Fitness’ as the industry, and listed MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, and Peloton as my competitors. ChatGPT said:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing
How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

How to use ChatGPT for customer engagement

ChatGPT said: “I can assist product marketers in engaging with their customers through social media, email marketing, and other channels. By providing personalized responses and valuable information, I can help build customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction.”

Use case example

ChatGPT offers companies the ability to provide personalized responses to customer inquiries, recommendations for products or services based on their specific needs, and valuable information such as FAQs or product tutorials.

Through personalized responses to customer inquiries, it can provide a more efficient and effective customer service experience, improving the likelihood of customer satisfaction and retention.

Plus, by offering product recommendations based on a customer’s needs and interests, ChatGPT can help companies to increase sales and drive revenue.

By providing valuable information such as FAQs and product tutorials, ChatGPT can help to improve the customer experience and reduce the likelihood of customer frustration or confusion.

ChatGPT prompts for customer engagement

“I need you to assist in improving our customer engagement at [company name].

“Our customer base is [explain target audience]. Their needs and pain points are [explain needs and pain points].

“We need assistance with providing personalized responses to customer inquiries, offering recommendations for products or services based on their needs, and providing valuable information such as FAQs or product tutorials.

“Please provide three examples of how we can improve our customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty and retention, and optimize our customer engagement strategy.”

In this instance, the company is a fast food chain company, and the customer base are “parents looking to quickly and cheaply feed their children as a treat”. Here’s what ChatGPT had to say:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

How to use ChatGPT for sales enablement

When asked how ChatGPT can support sales enablement, the platform said: “I can help product marketers to enable their sales teams by providing them with the right tools and resources. This can include training materials, product collateral, and other resources that can help sales teams to close deals and achieve their targets.”

Use case example

ChatGPT can assist in creating sales scripts, product guides, and other training materials that help sales teams better understand the products or services they’re selling.

In addition to training materials, ChatGPT can help create product collateral such as brochures or presentations that can be used during sales meetings or presentations. These resources can help sales teams effectively communicate the value and benefits of the products or services, ultimately increasing the likelihood of closing deals and achieving sales targets.

By providing these tools and resources, ChatGPT can help companies to improve their sales processes, increase efficiency, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

By ensuring that sales teams are equipped with the knowledge and resources they need to effectively sell products or services, ChatGPT can help companies to achieve greater success and achieve their business goals.

ChatGPT prompts for sales enablement

“I need you to assist with sales enablement at our company, [company name].

“Please outline a [sales script, product guide, battle card, etc] to help our sales team better understand the product they’re selling.

“The product is called [product name]. The key features are [key features]. Our audience’s pain points are [pain points].”

I asked ChatGPT to outline a sales script. I used Apple’s iPad Pro as an example to see what ChatGPT would provide me with. It said:

How to use ChatGPT for product marketing

To sum up…

ChatGPT isn’t a perfect platform, but it’s a pioneering, innovative way of streamlining and consolidating all the different roles and responsibilities you have as a product marketer.

If used correctly, it can be an effective tool for improving different aspects of your product marketing approach.

Experiment with the different prompts, see what works for you, don’t be afraid to ask it to expand on any areas, and just have fun with it!

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