The State of Product Marketing Report 2023 survey is live


The State of Product Marketing Report 2023 survey is live

We’re gathering insights for the State of Product Marketing Report 2023, which promises to be our deepest, most comprehensive industry overview to date.

Complete the survey, share your invaluable insights, and contribute to a report that’ll rock the PMM world to its core.

We’re gonna be bringing you definitive answers to burning questions, delving into red-hot topics of discussion, including:

📊 PMM metrics,
🧗 Highlights/challenges of the role,
💰 PMM budgets,
🤖 How AI’s shaping the PMM landscape,
💪 Essential skills, and
🛠 Recommended tools.

Uncover industry developments, form a clearcut understanding of the PMM landscape, and apply essential insights to pave the way for your future success.

We’ll keep up our end of the bargain – if you keep yours. 👇

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