Meet our newest Accelerator: Climate Change cohort


Posted by Matt Ridenour, Head of Startup Developer Ecosystem – USA

Scaling high potential startups aimed at tackling climate change can have an immensely positive impact for our planet.

In line with Google’s broader commitment to address climate change, we are proud to announce the third cohort for our Google for Startups Accelerator: Climate Change program. This 10-week digital accelerator brings the best of Google’s people, products and programming to help take early-stage North American climate tech startups to the next level.

Meet the 12 exceptional startups using cloud technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning and more for a healthier planet.

Agrology, Alexandria, VA

Agrology’s predictive agriculture platform helps farmers grow with confidence and beat climate change through data, insights and soil monitoring at scale.

BattGenie, Seattle, WA

BattGenie provides Li-ion battery management software and solutions, enabling safe, fast charging while improving battery life cycle.

Bodhi, Austin, TX

Bodhi empowers solar companies to deliver amazing customer experiences, automating communications so installers can focus on increasing renewable energy access.

Cambio, San Francisco, CA

Cambio is software that helps commercial real estate companies and their corporate tenants decarbonize their buildings.

Cleartrace, Austin, TX

Cleartrace is disrupting legacy reporting with a new standard for how energy and decarbonization information is collected, stored, accessed and transacted.

ElectricFish, Fremont, CA

ElectricFish builds and deploys resilient, flexible EV infrastructure to accelerate decarbonization and support community climate adaptation.

Enersion, Toronto, ON

Enersion offers zero-emission solar trigeneration energy that converts solar radiation into refrigerant-free cooling, heating and electricity.

Eugenie AI, Cupertino, CA

Eugenie is an AI intelligence platform for asset-heavy manufacturers to track, trace, and reduce emissions while improving operations.

Finch, Denver, CO

Finch is a platform that decodes products’ environmental footprints to help consumers and shares insights with businesses.

Refiberd, Cupertino, CA

Refiberd is tackling the 186 billion pound global textile waste problem with the first AI-empowered circular textile sorting and reclamation system.

Sesame Solar, Jackson, MI

Sesame Solar is decarbonizing disaster response with rapidly deployable mobile Nanogrids with essential services, providing continuous power from 100% renewable energy.

Voltpost, New York City, NY

Voltpost decarbonizes mobility and democratizes charging access by retrofitting lamp posts into modular electric vehicle charging stations.

These companies will join the other 22 startups from across North America who have participated in the accelerator (see program alumni).

In addition to mentorship and technical project support, the 10-week program will focus on product design, customer acquisition, and leadership development, granting startups access to an expansive network of mentors, senior executives, and industry leaders. All Google for Startups Accelerators are equity-free, so selected companies don’t have to offer anything to participate.

We are honored to partner with this cohort of companies through this accelerator and beyond, to advance their technologies and protect our planet.

The program kicks off on Tuesday, March 7 and concludes with a virtual Demo Day on May 11. Stay tuned and join us in celebrating these exceptional startups.

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