5 cool React Animation Library.



Introduction to React Animation Libraries


React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and adding animations to a React application can greatly enhance the user experience. React animation libraries provide a wide range of animation options and make it easy for developers to add animations to their React projects. These libraries offer a variety of pre-built animations, making it simple to add eye-catching effects to a website or application. Additionally, these libraries are highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor animations to the specific needs of their project. In this article, we will explore the top five React animation libraries and compare their features and functionality.

Overview of the Top 5 React Animation Libraries/Comparison of the Key Features and Functionality of Each Library


1. React-Motion

** React-Motion is a popular animation library that allows developers to easily create smooth animations. It uses spring physics to create natural-feeling animations that respond to user interactions. React-Motion also provides a high level of control over the animation, including the ability to adjust stiffness, damping, and precision.

 Below is a guide of how to use React-Motion to animate a div element's width and height:
  • First, install React-Motion by running the command npm install react-motion in your project’s directory.
  • Import the Motion and spring components from React-Motion:
import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

Create a state variable to store the initial width and height of the div element:

const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({ width: 100, height: 100 });
  • Use the Motion component to animate the div element's width and height. ThedefaultStyle prop sets the initial width and height of the div, and thestyle prop defines the final width and height. Thespring function is used to define the animation’s stiffness and damping:

      {style => (
My Animated Div

It is just an illustration of how to use React-Motion, you can customize the animation as you desire.
Please note that this illustration uses the useState hook from React to manage the state of the component, so you need to import useState from react.


2. React-Transition-Group

** React-Transition-Group is a library specifically designed to add simple transitions to a React application. It provides a set of components that can be used to add animations to elements as they enter or leave the DOM. This library is particularly useful for adding animations to lists and other dynamic content.

Here is an example of how to use React Transition Group to add a fade-in transition to a component when it is added to the DOM:

    import { CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';

    function FadeInComponent({ children }) {
        return (

    function App() {
        return (

This text will fade in when the component is added to the DOM

); } ---------- You will also need to provide the CSS transition classes in your CSS file. .fade-enter { opacity: 0; } .fade-enter-active { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 1000ms ease-in; } .fade-exit { opacity: 1; } .fade-exit-active { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1000ms ease-out; }

You can customize the CSS classes as per your custom style.


3. React-Animate

** React-Animate is a lightweight animation library that provides a simple API for adding animations to a React application. It is easy to use, and developers can quickly add animations using CSS and JavaScript. React-Animate also supports keyframe animations, which allow for more complex animation sequences.

Here is an example of how to use React-Animate to animate a component when it is added or removed from the DOM:

import { Animate } from 'react-animate';

function App() {
    const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

    return (

This text will animate when the component is added or removed from the DOM

); }

In this example, the Animate component is used to wrap the text that should be animated. The show prop is used to control whether the component is visible or not. The start, enter, and leave props are used to define the styles that should be applied to the component at various points in the animation. The animation will be triggered when the button is clicked, causing the show state to toggle between true and false.

You can also customize the duration of the animation by passing duration property, like

It’s important to note that React-Animate uses requestAnimationFrame and the animation will be performed on the browser’s next available frame.


4. React-Move

**React-Move is a library that provides a powerful animation engine for React. It allows developers to create animations using a simple, declarative syntax. React-Move also provides a wide range of pre-built animations, making it easy to add eye-catching effects to a website or application.

Here is an illustration of how to use React-Move to animate a component’s position when it is added or removed from the DOM.

       import { Transition, spring } from 'react-move';

    function App() {
        const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

        return (
{show => show && (props => (

This text will animate when the component is added or removed from the DOM

)) }
); } ----------

In the example above, the Transition component is used to wrap the text that should be animated. The items prop is used to control whether the component is visible or not, based on state. The from, enter, and leave props are used to define the styles that should be applied to the component at various points in the animation. The config prop is used to define the animation settings. In this case, it uses a spring animation. The animation will be triggered when the button is clicked, causing the show state to toggle between true and false.
You can also customize the spring animation by passing config property with different spring configs, like

config={{ stiffness: 100, damping: 50 }}

You can also customize the duration of the animation by passing duration property as well.
It’s important to note that React-Move uses requestAnimationFrame and the animation will be performed on the browser’s next available frame.


5. React-Spring

** React-Spring is a library that provides a wide range of animation options, including spring, physics-based animations, and keyframe animations. It is highly customizable and can be used to create complex animations that respond to user interactions. React-Spring also provides a set of hooks that make it easy to add animations to a React application.

Here is an example of how to use React-Spring to animate a component’s position when it is added or removed from the DOM:

    import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring';

    function App() {
        const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
        const animationProps = useSpring({
            opacity: show ? 1 : 0,
            x: show ? 0 : 100,
            config: { tension: 200, friction: 20 }

        return (
{show && (

This text will animate when the component is added or removed from the DOM

); } ----------

In this example, the useSpring hook is used to create an animation based on the show state. The animationProps variable contains the animation styles that should be applied to the component. The config prop is used to define the animation settings. In this case, it uses a spring animation with tension and friction. The animation will be triggered when the button is clicked, causing the show state to toggle between true and false.
animated.div is used to wrap the text that should be animated. It will take the styles from the animationProps variable and apply it.
You can also customize the duration of the animation by passing duration property as well.

config: { duration: 1000 }

It’s important to note that React-Spring uses requestAnimationFrame and the animation will be performed on the browser’s next available frame.
Also, it’s important to use the animated component or hook to correctly animate the component using React-Spring.

Pros of Using React Animation Libraries

1. Reusability: Animation libraries provide a set of pre-built animations that can be easily reused across different components in your application. This saves time and effort compared to building custom animations from scratch.

2. Consistency: Animation libraries can ensure that animations are consistent across different parts of your application, making your user interface more cohesive and polished.

3. Performance: Animation libraries are optimized for performance and are often built using web animation technologies such as CSS transitions and animations, which are hardware-accelerated and can provide smooth animations even on low-end devices.

4. Accessibility: Animation libraries often provide options for configuring animations to be more accessible to users with disabilities, such as providing a way to pause or stop animations.

5.Flexibility: Many animation libraries are highly customizable, allowing developers to create unique animations that suit their specific needs.


Cons of using react animation libraries


1.Dependency: Using an animation library can introduce an additional dependency to your project, which can make it more complex to manage and maintain.

2. Learning curve: Some animation libraries can have a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are not familiar with web animation technologies.

3. Overhead: Some animation libraries can add a significant amount of overhead to your application, which can negatively impact performance, especially on low-end devices.

4.Complexity: Some animation libraries can be complex to use, requiring a lot of configuration and setup in order to create custom animations.

5.Limited customization: Some animation libraries may not provide the level of customization that you need for your specific use case, which can limit your ability to create unique animations.

6.Limited options for accessibility: While some libraries try to provide accessibility options, it’s not always the case, so it’s something to consider when picking an animation library.




All of these libraries are great options for adding animations to a React application. Each one has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs of your project. React-Motion and React-Transition-Group are great for adding simple animations to a website or application, while React-Animate, React-Move, and React-Spring are better suited for more complex animations. Overall, it’s great to have these libraries available to use, which makes it easier for React developers to enhance the User experience by adding animations.

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