Memory Leak and Ruby



A memory leak is a type of software bug that occurs when a program, application or system allocates memory but fails to properly release it, leading to a gradual decline in performance and an eventual crash. In a garbage collected language like Ruby, memory leaks can occur when objects are not properly cleaned up by the garbage collector.

There are several ways in which memory leaks can occur in Ruby, including:

  1. Circular references: A circular reference occurs when two or more objects hold references to each other. This can prevent the garbage collector from being able to clean up the objects, leading to a memory leak.

  2. Long-lived objects: Objects that are no longer needed, but are not properly cleaned up by the garbage collector, can lead to a memory leak.

  3. Event handlers: Event handlers that are not properly unregistered can lead to a memory leak.

  4. Singletons: Singleton objects, if not properly managed, can lead to a memory leak.


To avoid memory leaks in Ruby, it is important to understand the ways in which memory leaks can occur and to use best practices to prevent them.

One way to avoid circular references is to use weak references. A weak reference is a reference that does not prevent the garbage collector from cleaning up the object. In Ruby, the WeakRef class provides a way to create weak references.

require 'weakref'

class Foo
  def initialize
    @bar = "Hello, World!"

foo =
weak_foo =

Another way to avoid memory leaks is to use the ObjectSpace module to manually mark objects as eligible for garbage collection. This can be useful in situations where the garbage collector is not able to properly clean up objects.

require 'objspace'

class Foo
  def initialize
    @bar = "Hello, World!"

foo =

ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(foo, proc {|id| puts "Object #{id} has been GCed"})

To avoid memory leaks due to event handlers, it’s important to unregister event handlers when they are no longer needed. A common pattern is to use a block and pass self to the block. This way the block will have access to the instance and can unregister the event handler.

class Foo
  def initialize
    @listener =
    @listener.register(self) do |event|
      puts "event received: #{event}"
  def unregister_listener

Finally, it’s important to properly manage singletons in Ruby. One way to do this is to use the singleton module and the instance method to create a singleton object.

require 'singleton'

class Foo
  include Singleton

  def initialize
    @bar = "Hello, World!"

foo = Foo.instance


Simulating a memory leak in a program can be done by creating a program that continuously allocates memory without releasing it. Here is an example of a simple Ruby script that simulates a memory leak:

# Simulating a memory leak
leak_array = []

while true do
  leak_array << "a" * 1024 * 1024 # Allocate 1MB of memory
  sleep 1 # Wait for 1 second before allocating more memory

This script creates an array, leak_array, and continuously appends a string of 1MB to it. This will cause the program’s memory usage to continuously grow, simulating a memory leak.

To correct this memory leak, we need to ensure that the memory is properly released when it is no longer needed. One way to do this is to periodically empty the leak_array:

# Correcting a memory leak
leak_array = []

while true do
  leak_array << "a" * 1024 * 1024
  sleep 1
  leak_array.clear # Release the memory

Another way to correct the memory leak is to use a different data structure, such as a queue, where old elements are automatically removed as new elements are added.

# Correcting a memory leak
require 'queue'
leak_queue =

while true do
  leak_queue << "a" * 1024 * 1024
  sleep 1

You can also use GC.start to force a garbage collection and release the unused memory.

# Correcting a memory leak
leak_array = []

while true do
  leak_array << "a" * 1024 * 1024
  sleep 1


In conclusion, understanding the causes of memory leaks and using best practices to prevent them is essential for maintaining the performance and stability of Ruby applications. By using techniques such as weak references, manual garbage collection, unregistering event handlers, and properly managing singletons, developers can prevent memory leaks and ensure that their applications run smoothly.

It’s important to note that memory leaks can be difficult to detect and diagnose, and the correct solution will depend on the specific cause of the leak. It is always a good practice to monitor the memory usage of an application and to use tools such as ObjectSpace to inspect objects and track down memory leaks.

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