What’s your current tech stack for web development?


A tech stack in web development refers to the combination of technologies and programming languages used to create and maintain an excellent web application. A full-stack web app can be made using many different tech stacks. The specific technologies and languages used in a tech-stack depends entirely on the project and the goals of the developer or development team. So, what’s your current tech stack? It can have frameworks like React or Svelte, databases, ORMs, CSS frameworks, tools, plugins, extensions, and anything you use in the development process.

My current tech stack is T3 stack, which might sound a bit new to some people:

  • Next.js – Fullstack framework
  • Typescirpt – Don’t need any explanation🤣
  • tRPC – A way to write fully typesafe APIs. GraphQL Killer😈
  • Prisma – ORM
  • Tailwind CSS – For styling
  • NextAuth.js – For authentication

This tack focuses primarly on implementing full-stack TypeScript applications. Typescript isn’t optional here😓. This stack can be used both for front-end and back-end.

Write about your tech-stack in the comments below, looking forward to reading them!

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