How I’m planning to use this space



I’m planning to use this space to “think out loud in long format” in public (I do that in short format on Twitter / Mastodon). Additionally I want to make some “personal notes” public in case it’s useful for others.

In other words

The idea is to share what’s on my mind on work, the universe and life.

I’ll try to namespace things using tags but sometimes it might be easier to simply use a [PREFIX] in the title to give context on what I’m planning to elaborate on.

Don’t want to be super strict on how I organize content here otherwise I’ll start procrastinating and just never put things down and publish.

Also, I want some posts to be a “Notes to myself” kind of thing where I share publicly small notes with links/references/thoughts on things that I learned recently about a particular topic. I’ll likely prefix those with [Note], I think.

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