How Userpilot Analytics Helps You Drive Product Growth with Powerful User Insights


What analytics functionality does Userpilot offer? How can product managers and other members of the product team benefit from Userpilot product growth insights?

These are the two main questions we’re exploring in the article, so if you’re after the answers, you’re in the right place.

Are you ready to dive in? Let’s get to it!


What is Userpilot?

Userpilot is a digital adoption platform (DAP).

It allows you to quickly design contextually relevant, personalized in-app experiences customized to the needs of each user segment. And that’s without writing a single line of code.

Who is Userpilot for

Userpilot is mostly for product managers and customer success managers of SMBs and enterprise-level products.

They are the ones whose focus is on user onboarding, improving engagement and retention, and driving adoption, and that’s really the main Userpilot use case.

And what about product marketing managers or product launch managers? They can benefit from some of the Userpilot functionality too. For example, the in-app messages and UI patterns are perfect for announcing new features and publishing release notes.

Userpilot’s main functionality

Userpilot’s main job is to help product teams drive product engagement and adoption with contextual in-app onboarding experiences. These include checklists, interactive product walkthroughs, and in-app messages like tooltips, modals, and slideouts.

What’s more, it allows you to build resource centers to give users 24/7 access to self-help materials.

You can also use Userpilot to easily design surveys and collect user feedback.

This is what the users see. What they don’t see is the analytics functionality, which sets Userpilot apart from similar other DAPs, especially at this price point.

Type of data insights Userpilot analytics provide

Userpilot offers powerful analytics functionality of its own. For many teams, that’s already enough. If not, integrations with dedicated product analytics tools allow you to take your data product management to yet another level.

Product usage data insights

Userpilot analytics enables product teams to track and analyze user in-app behavior and how they progress across different touchpoints on the user journey.

Feature tags analytics

With Userpilot, you can track how users engage with your UI.

What do we mean by engagement?

Most companies would be content with tracking the clicks. However, Userpilot recognizes there’s much more to it and allows you to track also text inputs and hovers.

This means you can see pretty much everything your users do with your product.

Feature tagging in Userpilot
Feature tagging in Userpilot.

To be able to do this, you simply tag the features you’re interested in. It’s dead easy and you can do it directly from the Chrome extension.

You can tag features from the Userpilot Chrome extension
You can tag features from the Userpilot Chrome extension.

Custom events analytics

Sometimes tracking individual interactions isn’t enough. For example, users need to complete more than one action to activate your product. Userpilot covers this eventuality too.

The Custom Events functionality allows you to group distinct actions together and track them as one. And the best thing is that you don’t need any coding skills to do that unless you want to create a custom event triggered by API.

Userpilot analytics: Custom Events
Userpilot analytics: Custom Events.

Once you tag your features and create custom events, you can view how many users complete them in the Features & Events dashboard. It gives you a general overview and you can filter results by individual user segments, time period, or company.

Heatmaps analytics

A heatmap is a visual presentation of user engagement with features. They don’t only look great but most importantly, are incredibly easy to read and interpret. Literally, one look is enough to identify the most popular features and UI elements in your app.

That’s because each feature is marked with a color. Colder colors like navy are attached to the least frequently used features. Warmer colors like orange and red symbolize the most used ones.

Of course, you can filter the view by user segments.

Feature usage heatmap
Feature usage heatmap.

Goals analytics

In SaaS, goals are points on the user journey that we want users to reach because they bring value. We also know them as conversions.

Installing the Chrome extension or inviting a teammate are examples of goals.

In Userpilot, you can set them up quickly and track users’ progress towards them.

Userpilot analytics: Goals dashboard
Userpilot analytics: Goals dashboard.

Product analytics data using integrations with analytics tools

To augment the power of Userpilot analytics, you can use it with a range of other best-in-class analytics tools.

The app currently supports one-way integrations, so you can easily import data from Userpilot into the other analytics apps in your tool stack.

The Userpilot team is working hard on two-way integrations as well, and this functionality is coming soon.

Product analytics tools integrations

Currently, Userpilot supports integrations with:

  • Google Analytics
  • Mixpanel
  • Kissmetrics
  • Heap
  • Amplitude
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Segment
Userpilot integrations
Userpilot integrations.


Apart from native integrations, Userpilot helps you create webhooks.

Webhooks, aka callbacks, enable you to create custom integrations with third-party systems.

For example, you can set up a webhook with Slack or email, so that you get notified every time users complete an onboarding flow you’ve created.

Userpilot supports webhooks for more integrations
Userpilot supports webhooks for more integrations.

User sentiment data

With Userpilot, creating user sentiment surveys, like NPS or CSAT ones, is a breeze. The real magic, however, happens in the background, when you start analyzing it.

NPS survey in Userpilot
NPS survey in Userpilot.

NPS score analytics

Once the data from the NPS surveys start coming in, you can easily segment your users into promoters, passives, and detractors.

You can then look at the product usage data for each of the groups to identify the main differences between each segment.

To calculate the actual score, you can use the free NPS calculator or let Userpilot do the job for you!


Apart from the quantitative data, which helps you track user sentiment over time, you can also add follow-up questions to the surveys to gather qualitative data.

You can then tag each of the responses given by the users and segment them accordingly. This is incredibly useful for addressing the issues that your detractors bring up.


Customer satisfaction data

While Userpilot won’t calculate the CSAT scores for you just yet, a product manager can still use it to design customer satisfaction surveys and use them to collect the data.

And once the data is in, it’s easy to create user segments based on the answers, so that you can address the pain points of each of them with targeted in-app messages or guidance.

App experiences user engagement data

Once you unleash the in-app experiences on your users to help them discover relevant functionality, you may want to measure how effective they are.

Apart from tracking goals or engagement with specific features, you can also track and analyze interactions with actual in-app experiences.

Checklist analytics

Checklists are one of the most powerful onboarding tools, and Userpilot gives you functionality for detailed analysis of their performance.

For starters, you can look at the overview of their live performance, with a breakdown of how many of your checklists are live, how many of them have been seen, how many completed – and how many dismissed.

Checklists Live Performance dashboard
Checklists Live Performance dashboard.

Want to get into more details? No problem. You can filter the checklists analytics by individual user segments.

Segment filters also work in the individual view, so that you can look at how each of them engages with a particular checklist. You can go even more granular, and look at each of the tasks in each of them, and even individual users who completed them.

For a slightly more general view of the performance of individual checklists, you can head to the Checklist Effectiveness table.

Userpilot analytics: Checklist Effectiveness Table
Userpilot analytics: Checklist Effectiveness Table.

Resource center analytics

The resources center analytics dashboard looks very much like the Checklist one.

It gives you an overview of the live performance of your modules. You can filter the data by time period and access information about the number of active users, unique opens, modules you’ve created, module clicks, and click rate.

Resource Center analytics
Resource Center analytics.

Just like with the checklist, you can also view all your modules in the Module Effectiveness table.

Advanced segmentation for funnel analysis

Effective user segmentation allows you to target specific user groups with personalized experiences to help them achieve their objectives. That’s why it’s crucial for successful user onboarding or to improve customer satisfaction.

Userpilot allows you to create user segments based on:

  • User attributes, like name, id, plan, web sessions, device type, or signup date
  • Company data
  • Tagged features they have engaged with
  • Custom events they’ve completed, both those set in Userpilot and API ones
  • In-app experiences they’ve engaged with like flows or checklists
  • User feedback – both quantitative, like NPS scores, and qualitative, like NPS responses.
Userpilot segmentation
Userpilot segmentation.

How Userpilot analytics help you drive product growth

Now that we’ve discussed the Userpilot analytics functionality, why don’t we look at specific use cases?

Use segments to identify patterns

By analyzing the behavior of users from different user segments across the funnel, you can easily identify both positive and negative patterns and trends.

Features & Events Dashboard
Features & Events Dashboard.

For instance, on the one hand, you may be able to notice power user behaviors that other user groups with similar JTBD should emulate to take full advantage of the product.

On the other, user behavior tracking can help you spot signs of churn, like inactive users or friction at particular touchpoints where they tend to drop out.

Act on data insight to drive contextual engagement

What do you do with the insights from user behavior monitoring?

Once you understand the needs of each user segment, Userpilot allows you to target them with customized in-app flows and experiences.

Interactive in-app flow
Interactive in-app flow.

As a result, you can address the users’ pain points or guide them down the happy path to value that you’ve discovered by following the successful users.

What’s more, you can trigger in-app messages when users engage with a particular feature or when an event occurs.

A/B test different app flows to improve engagement

While designing the in-app flows in Userpilot is super easy, knowing which flow will bring the best results isn’t necessarily so.

Fear not though, as Userplot allows you to run A/B tests to find the most effective flow for each user segment and their use cases.

A/B testing in Userpilot
A/B testing in Userpilot.

Use feedback data to proactively reduce churn

Just like product usage tracking, collecting user feedback can help you pick up on problems and address them before they become an issue and result in user churn.

For example, low NPS scores or certain qualitative responses, like ‘missing features’ could be an indication of an issue.

Thanks to response tagging and user segmentation, you can reach out to those specific user groups to either follow up on their feedback or lend them a hand with the issues they are experiencing.

For example, if they are complaining about a lack of a feature, you can target them with in-app messages to drive feature discovery and let them complete the jobs they’re struggling with.

NPS Response Tagging
NPS Response Tagging in Userpilot.

Act on feedback to improve product

Let’s imagine that users have requested a feature. You follow up and realize that this is indeed an opportunity to add value to the product, so you decide to build it.

Instead of launching it to all the users, you could start with a beta test and iterate on the results to improve it.

How do you recruit beta testers?

First, you can use the insights from the analytics to choose the right group of users. For example, these could be your power users or the segment for whom the feature is particularly important.

Next, you can target them with a modal inviting them to take part in the trial.

Beta test invite
Beta test invite.

Once you roll out the feature for all users and they start engaging with the feature, you can use Userpilot to collect their feedback and look for ways to improve it even further.

With Userpilot, you can trigger a survey as soon as users interact with the feature to collect instant feedback.

Userpilot pricing

Userpilot offers a range of pricing options:

  • Traction plan: For up to 2500 users, this plan is $249/ mo.
  • Growth plan: For up to 10,000 users, this plan is $499/ mo.
  • Enterprise plan: For large-scale businesses, these plans begin from $1000/ mo.
Userpilot Pricing
Userpilot Pricing.


Userpilot is a product growth platform rather than a dedicated analytics tool, which has both upsides and downsides.

On the one hand, Userpilot analytics functionality may not be as sophisticated as in specialist tools like Heap or Amplitude. If that’s what you need, you can still use Userpilot integrations.

On the other hand, Userpilot allows you to act on the data and user feedback you collect. When compared to similar tools, its analytics tools are more advanced.

If you would like to see how Userpilot analytics can drive the growth of your product, book the demo!

The post How Userpilot Analytics Helps You Drive Product Growth with Powerful User Insights appeared first on Thoughts about Product Adoption, User Onboarding and Good UX | Userpilot Blog.

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