You’re Finally A Project Manager! Now What? Transitioning Into the Role of Project Leader


What kid doesn’t dream of being a project manager when they grow up? Well, guess what? You’re a go-getter who doesn’t let your dreams be dreams, and you finally got your big break. But now… how to lead a project?

Recently, Kolme Group joined forces with PM Happy Hour and PMI Phoenix to present a brand new webinar, “You’re Finally A Project Manager! Now What? Transitioning Into the Role of Project Leader”

Catch the replay below!

Starting Your PM Journey – How to Lead a Project

You read your PMBOK every night, and you know how to manage your project. Now, it’s time to learn how to lead your project, and lead your team effectively.

How do you transition from individual contributor to being a leader among you peers? How do you convince your team to listen to a shiny new project manager, and how to get sponsors and stakeholders to trust that you’ll deliver?

Whether you’re a project manager with no experience, you’re just getting your feet under you as a project management consultant, or just want a quick “how to be a project manager for dummies,” your hosts have tried and true advice and techniques. And if you’re a seasoned and successful project management professional you should be mentoring and coaching, so really, this one is for everybody!

You’ll come away from this webinar with advice and specific techniques to:

  • Manage the transition from being an individual contributor on a team to leading a team
  • Gain buy-in and support from a new project team
  • Build trust with key stakeholders and sponsors

Watch Now!

Meet The Experts:

Kim Essendrup

  • Project Management Trainer and Coach​
  • PPM Selection and Implementation Expert​
  • Over 20 years of experience managing projects, programs, and PMOs. Founding Partner at Kolme Group​
  • Co-host of the Project Management Happy Hour Podcast​
  • Author, “Old Pappy’s Rules of Success”

Kate Anderson

  • Cross Functional Facilitator, inspiring others to join the effort​
  • Technology Leadership Program member at PayPal​
  • Co-host of the Project Management Happy Hour Podcast

Kornelia Homewood

  • PPM Consultant at Kolme Group
  • Passionate about Project Management

We’re Here To Help

Contact Kolme Group to find out more about our Project and Change Management Services or email us at

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The post You’re Finally A Project Manager! Now What? Transitioning Into the Role of Project Leader appeared first on Kolme Group.

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