4 Strategies to Make Your Fintech Content More Engaging


Let’s face it: Financial content can be bone-dry. You have to convey facts, stats, numbers, and data to your audience. But if you’re not able to make the content engaging, you may be doing your brand a disservice. After all, not everyone who uses your products gets as giddy about a spreadsheet as you do.

Fintech brands are smart to ask themselves whether their content could be improved. Are you doing enough to differentiate your company from the competition and create an engaging brand persona? One of the best ways to stand out is by infusing your content with a more relatable voice, thereby making your brand feel more personal. How? We’ve got a few ideas for how you can turn blog posts and product material into engaging fintech content.

1. Understand your audience

As marketing advice, “know your audience” may be cliché, but some platitudes are worth listening to. You can’t connect with consumers if you don’t know what they want to hear.

You can’t connect with consumers if you don’t know what they want to hear.

Keeping language simple and adopting an informal tone works wonders for building a more engaging fintech brand persona. The topic of money management is already complex enough, so avoid using buzzwords that leave customers scratching their heads. Everyday language can make brands feel more accessible, and when it comes to tech brands, that’s a big plus.

Studies show that 95 percent of millennials now use fintech, and 9 in 10 Americans use some type of fintech app. Since many millennials are in the early stages of figuring out their finances, presenting them with apps and tools designed to provide a simple, streamlined user experience can help them navigate the intimidating world of financial independence.

One brand that’s doing a bang-up job of keeping its content simple and relevant is Capital One 360. The company offers Banking Basic guides written with newbies in mind to help customers manage their money like a boss. Explainers like “What is a checking account?” and other articles that teach customers the differences between various accounts help customers feel more informed and also answer many of their FAQs.

2. Share customer stories

Online, word of mouth has become a major influencer for consumers (just think of all the times a positive product review encouraged you to make a purchase). If a prospect is considering your product or service, an endorsement by an existing customer can work wonders for giving them a nudge.

What does that look like in fintech? Customer stories can take the form of anecdotes, reviews, or straight up recommendations. Take a look at Digit, an app designed to help users save money. To generate digital word of mouth, the brand added user comments to its online content, providing insight into both its customer base and its product.

It’s especially helpful when a customer story taps into the user’s feelings about the brand. When a potential customer reads a comment like, “[Digit] saves me a lot of mental and emotional energy having to worry about bills,” on the app’s blog, it’s easy for them to picture themselves in a similar situation. By making customer feedback a core component of its content strategy, Digit conveys its commitment to helping its members manage their financial lives.

3. Leverage audio and video content

In an age when 62 percent of U.S. consumers have listened to a podcast and US adults average 2:41 hours a day watching videos online or on their smartphone, taking advantage of these channels just makes sense. Prioritize audio and video, and you can create content that feels less like a tedious classroom lecture and more like entertainment.

Because podcasts can feel casual and unrehearsed, they’re a great medium for dispatching information. For Tamara Littleton, podcast host and CEO of social media agency The Social Element, podcasts are a must-have tool for owning product expertise and converting listeners into fans. “We . . . get to provide a candid space for marketing leaders to share their stories, show vulnerability and show that great brands are built by genuine humans,” she says.

Video has similar perks, and many fintech companies are capitalizing on the animation trend to build more interesting brands. With the right video content, you could be generating 5+ million YouTube views like cryptocurrency exchange Kraken.

4. Showcase your team

Do you ever wonder why so many brands have a “Meet the Team” page on their sites? People want to get to know the minds behind the product. If they know who’s steering the ship and working behind the scenes, they may feel more comfortable signing up themselves and making that shift from consumer to customer.

Rather than featuring a traditional “About Us” page, online banking service Varo invited its executives to share personal stories about why they chose to work with the company. Yes, this strategy helps Varo showcase its people and their strengths, but it also allows the brand to highlight its own mission and values.

For example, Varo’s chief auditor writes, “I came to Varo to make a difference. And Varo is a new kind of company with a different kind of mission. At Varo, we’re creating a bank for a larger community and a financial system for everyone.”

The bottom line

Numbers, data, facts, and stats are the life blood of any fintech company. But your audience may not immediately understand their importance or be dazzled by their relevance. A content marketing strategy that includes the team of people who work for your brand and the stories of those who use your product can strengthen your connection with your audience. Financial content doesn’t have to be monotonous. It can be engaging, relevant, and meaningful to your customers.

The post 4 Strategies to Make Your Fintech Content More Engaging appeared first on Contently.

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