Trigger precisely at hh:mm:00 with EventBridge and Lambda



In Amazon EventBridge Rules and EventBridge Scheduler, the precision of time is one minute. This is the same as the usual cron jobs.

… the minimum precision for a schedule is one minute. Your scheduled rule runs within that minute, but not on the precise 0th second. (aws-doc)

Sometimes we want to trigger precisely at zero seconds, for example, at 00:00:00.

In this post, I share the way to trigger precisely using the Lambda function with the EventBridge Schedule.


EventBridge invoke Lambda function. After wait, the function trigger anything.

  1. EventBridge invokes the Lambda function 1 minute before the desired trigger time 00:00:00. That means the EventBridge Schedule is set to invoke the Lambda function at 23:59. As written above, we don’t know what seconds in 23:59 the time Lambda function will be invoked. (It might be 23:59:16 or 23:59:38…)

  2. The Lambda function calculates the time left to 00:00:00 and sleeps until then.

  3. At 00:00:00, the Lambda function triggers some actions, events or resources.

Lambda function

Here is the example code for the Python Lambda function. You can just create a new function and paste this.

Note that the timeout of the Lambda function should be more than 1 minute.

import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    time_called =
    print("time_called", time_called)

    # ceiling minute
    target = time_called - timedelta(

    diff = target - time_called
    wait_sec = diff.seconds + diff.microseconds / 1000000

    time_zero_sec =
    print("time_zero_sec", time_zero_sec)

    # Write here what you want to trigger at xx:xx:00.

Two print() are used to compare the times before and after wait.


Let’s try and see the result. At this time, desired time is 23:00. EventBridge Scheduler was set to invoke the Lambda function at 22:59.

EventBridge Scheduler

Here is the capture of CloudWatch logs of the Lambda function.

CloudWatch logs

  • 22:59:16.345072 is from first print(), when EventBridge triggered the Lambda function.
  • 2022-11-25 23:00:00.044251 is from second print(), when the Lambda function waited until 23:00:00 as intended.

Good! This is what I wanted to do here.


I’ve shared how to trigger events precisely in second order using EventBridge and Lambda.


There is a parameter at expression at(yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss) in EventBridge Scheduler cli/boto3, but ss part does not work.

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