We fired you, but keep on working until the last day!


For the last couple of months, my company couldn’t find me a project to work on. They work on outsourcing.

So, about a month ago, they summoned me to the office and told me that they need to let me go, because they still cannot find a project for me. They said I’ve got 2 months to find a job, so they would give me 2 months salary all the way to the end of December, after which I am officially fired from this company.

Cool, at least they kicked me out with 2 months notice and 2 full salaries.

I actively started looking for a job, KEEP IN MIND that the IT hiring situation globally is in a mess, ALSO it is November/December, the 2 WORST months to get hired, as people would be distracted by holidays and so on…

1 week after that discussion with my boss, he told me that he found me a small project. Hooray, I’m not getting fired after all. No no, you are still getting fired, said the BOSS, but do this project until you leave, WE ARE COVERING IT AFTERALL…

WHAT?? So you want me to shift my focus from finding a job and do your stupid project until I leave?

Listen, finding a job in our market today is very hard, especially for a backend developer. So I am learning couple (not one) of frontend frameworks and bunch of other HIPPPP technologies so I can FINALLY get hired. I do NOT afford to spend time doing a STUPID project for the company that fired me for not finding a PROJECT for me!!!

What do you think??? What should I do? Should I bluntly tell them off? Or should I do their project? Or what??

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