zeros | SPVM::Numpy – The Project for Python/NumPy Porting to Perl


The zeros method in the Numpy class is implemented.

use Numpy;
my $np = Numpy->new;

my $x = $np->zeros;

How to install SPVM::Numpy

cpanm SPVM::Numpy
# Developper
cpanm SPVM;
git clone

See also Installing SPVM::Numpy

What Is SPVM?

SPVM is a static typed language that can be used from Perl. SPVM is the essential part of the Python/numpy porting to Perl. If you haven’t heard of Perl’s SPVM. Please see also SPVM Language Specification.

How potential dose SPVM have?

Growth is expected in the fields of Bio Tech, AI/ML, Apple/iPhone/iPad Apps, Google/Android Apps, IoT Device, Connected Car, Smart Device, Smart Home, etc.

This is because SPVM can produce an executable file that supports cross platforms and make easy to calculate arrays and bind C/C++ and Nvidia/GPU/cuda.

SPVM Documents

SPVM Modules

This project really needs contributors, sponsors, investors.

This project really needs contributors. I am looking for contributors, sponsors, investors.

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