Men Who Truly Understand Women Know These 15 Truths!


And have better relationships as a result.

Don’t worry about understanding all women. They’re not a science experiment. Instead, focus on learning about the woman you’re interested in and want to build a life with.

1: She still wants to be cared for.

It matters not how much authority she holds at work or how many employees she has, or how much her pant suits cost. What matters is that before all of that she was a woman, and a woman she will always remain. She still wants to know you are capable of being the man in the boundaries of the relationship.

2: She has too much going on to waste her time figuring out if you’re serious.

Women who’ve grown up and are focused on building a life for themselves are not interested in waiting around to see if you’re operating on her same level. Past a certain age, the tolerance for playing games just evaporates into thin air. You can’t fake any of this (for too long).

3: Figure your own sh*t out first.

I believe that solid and healthy relationships are comprised of two people who love and support each other through anything. That means hard times, challenges, struggles at work, financial stress, illnesses…life is going to throw endless roadblocks in your way and you need to be with someone who makes the pledge to be by your side.

4: You care more about appearance than she does.

We have to look a certain way and meet a certain aesthetic ideal. While women have faced far, far more of this type of pressure over the centuries, men struggle with it in their own ways. I have a private coaching client who is a lot more handsome than he gives himself credit for.

5: Her being strong DOESN’T MEAN she wants to overpower you.

There’s a misconception in the world that strong women want to overpower men. When a woman shows up with feminine strength in a relationship, she wants it to match your masculine strength so you two can work together to create harmony.

6: Leave room for vulnerability.

Strongest relationships are made up of two people who leave space open for vulnerability. Emotional bonds grow between two people when they’re willing and able to be vulnerable with each other. It doesn’t matter how strong or tough people are trying to appear, we all share in the full range of emotions.

7: TIME means more than stuff.

If you don’t believe me, think about a toxic or unhealthy relationship, and imagine that the gaps are trying to be filled with material things. Buying something constantly as an apology…none of this actually fixes the underlying problems. The real value of working the way you do is the time freedom that you can use to enjoy each other’s presence.

8: She wants to feel desired.

Social media and texting has done some damage here, but let’s work to repair it. Feeling desired is not you sending her a you look hot text. It’s not the comments on her social media pages.It’s not boring compliments about her appearance.

9: You need to EARN her trust (for a variety of reasons).

She probably won’t believe you at first, but that’s okay, because you’ll be willing to put in the time and effort to show her that you’re serious. Once you do form that bond, that is a thread that’s much harder to break than one built on a flimsy foundation.

10: The small things really do matter most.

The small things in a relationship are the ones that show someone what you’re all about. It’s almost easier to do the big things because it’s a more…let’s say… commercialized approach.

11: Communication is KEY, even if you suck at it.

Communication in all phases of a relationship can either cause or solve massive problems, depending on how it’s handled. It’s a biological reality that women are better communicators than men, but you don’t need scientific studies to tell you.

12: Sometimes she needs you to just shut up and listen.

If she vents to you about something, she may just need you to sit there and listen. It also means that she trusts you enough to let you in to her thoughts and concerns.

13: The sex is better when you’re EMOTIONALLY connected.

Real intimacy is more emotional than it is physical. Building an emotional bond through communication, sharing desires, building trust with each other, is a way to help you both feel more secure and safe in the experience.

14: She needs you to have a strong IDENTITY.

Your identity is rooted in how you see yourself. Your values, beliefs, and worldviews. It decides what you think you deserve in life and love. Having a strong identity means she knows who you are and what she’s getting.

15: She needs to be seen and loved for who SHE truly is.

The truth of who she is lies in the identity piece we discussed in #14. Not what the world has told her she is, but what she actually is. What are her strengths, her passions, her opinions about things that matter in the world? What is her mission? These are the things that really matter when learning about, and loving someone.

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