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7 posts
Function Decorators in Python
Writing dry code is important. DRY is a handy acronym meaning Don’t Repeat Yourself. Dry code is more…
A woman in tech: positive or negative discrimination? Interview with an ex-Big Tech employee part 2
After posting the first part of this interview with my friend we realized many things. Have you ever…
As a young woman in different dev teams
Hello everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m Michelle and I’m a Technical Documentation Analyst in a…
3 Lesson I’ve From Spotlighting Women in tech
You know how they say “You learn as you go”? Well, it’s actually true. For March, I decided…
8 Ways to Support Women Developers
Last year, in We’ve Been Here Since the Beginning, I wrote about how it felt to be constantly…
Sometimes I Feel Like I’m Invisible – Experiences of a Woman in Tech
This blog post is very personal and sharing it makes me very vulnerable. So please, respect that. And…
O que significa o dia da Ada Lovelace?
Quando comemoramos o dia da Ada Lovelace e por quê? Desde 2009, toda segunda terça-feira do mês de…