I’m Joining Sentry


I’m excited to announce I am joining the team at Sentry.

Sentry provides tooling for monitoring and error tracing to ensure you build the best possible applications for your customers. They firmly believe that as a developer your customer journey doesn’t end when you ship the code.

They will graciously be supporting my continued full-time work on SolidJS and Open Source as we enter our next phase. I’m enthusiastic to return to my roots as we revisit Solid’s reactive system for the first time in 6 years on our journey to 2.0. Traceability and debuggability are top of mind as we enter new realms with Async Signals and push the boundaries of fine-grained reactivity in real-time systems.

Solid and Signals has completely transformed the way modern JavaScript frameworks are designed over a few short years. Sentry’s commitment to investing in the future will allow us to take the steps we need to continue to pioneer the direction of front-end development.

As much as this is exciting news, it does mean that sadly I’m moving on from Netlify. Netlify which has been my home for the last 2 years and who believed in us(and me) before anyone else did. Their support is what made SolidStart possible. I’ve learned so much about deployment and infrastructure working closely with the Frameworks and Primitives team. I’ve traveled the world giving talks alongside the Developer Experience team. In this role, I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people inside and outside of Netlify.

Just because I’m moving on doesn’t change our relationship with Netlify. They are the best place to deploy your Solid and SolidStart applications and I’m very blessed to be able to continue my close work on their mission to build a better web for everyone.

To that effect, I am also excited to announce SolidHack 2024. It’s an opportunity for everyone around the community to build cool projects for fun and the chance at prizes. Prizes generously donated by our sponsors, Sentry and Netlify.

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It is still an incredible time to be working in open source web development. I can’t wait to see what we will build. Together.

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