Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing


Optional Chaining: The Graceful Accessor

Let’s say you have an object representing a user, and you want to access their address.

In the past, you might have done something like this:

const user = {
 name: "Alice",
 address: { street: "123 Main St" }

const street = user.address && user.address.street;

console.log('Street: ', street); // Output: 123 Main St

But what happens if the user object doesn’t have an address property or the address object doesn’t have a street property?

You’d get an error!

Enter Optional Chaining!

This operator (?.) lets you access nested properties safely, returning undefined if any part of the chain is missing.

For example:

const user = {
 name: "Bob"

const street = user.address?.street;
console.log('Street: ', street); // Output: undefined

See how much cleaner and concise the code is?

Nullish Coalescing

The Default Value Defender.

Now, let’s imagine you want to assign a default value to a variable if it’s null or undefined. Traditionally, you might use the OR operator (||). However, this can lead to unexpected behavior if the variable holds a “falsy” value like 0 or an empty string.

Why it’s useful:

  • It simplifies code by replacing verbose if statements or ternary operators.
  • It focuses specifically on null and undefined, unlike the logical OR operator (||) which also treats falsy values (like 0 or empty strings) as “missing”.
let userSettings = null; // Imagine this comes from an API or user input

// Without nullish coalescing:
let theme = userSettings !== null && userSettings !== undefined ? userSettings.theme : 'light';

// With nullish coalescing:
let theme = userSettings?.theme ?? 'light'; // If userSettings.theme is null or undefined, 'light' is used

Key points:

  • The left side of ?? is evaluated first.
  • If the left side is null or undefined, the right side is returned.
  • Otherwise, the left side is returned.

It’s especially handy when dealing with optional properties or potentially missing data.

Optional chaining and nullish coalescing help you write more readable, robust, and error-resistant code.

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