Securing Laravel Reverb


When building modern applications, Laravel stands out as a popular choice for web development. With its large ecosystem, tools like Laravel Reverb help enhance the developer experience, making it easier to manage backend processes. However, as with any tool, security must be a top priority.

I will try to explore key practices and actionable steps to secure Laravel Reverb and ensure that your implementation remains safe from potential vulnerabilities.

1​. Understand Laravel Reverb’s Role

Laravel Reverb acts as a message broker and event manager, facilitating communication between services. By default, it integrates deeply with Laravel’s queues and events system. However, as it involves real-time data handling, misconfigurations can expose sensitive operations to attacks.

Potential Risks

  • Unauthorized access to queued events.
  • Manipulation of event data.
  • Overexposure of endpoints.

2​. Secure Your Queue Configuration

Laravel Reverb relies on the queue driver. Misconfigured queue systems can lead to vulnerabilities.

Environment-Specific Drivers: Use secure drivers for production environments like Redis. Avoid using database or sync in production. These drivers can introduce performance and security issues. The database driver adds significant database load, making it vulnerable to DoS attacks and potentially exposing sensitive job data if the database is compromised. The sync driver executes jobs synchronously, increasing the risk of exposing sensitive information through errors and creating bottlenecks that attackers can exploit to overload the application.


Authentication for Redis: Use a strong password for Redis connections.


TLS Encryption: If using a cloud-based queue remotely, enable TLS for secure communication. This is particularly important when Redis or other queue drivers are hosted externally. For internally hosted queues on a secure network, TLS may not be necessary.

3​. Validate Event Data

Always validate the data passed between events and listeners. Laravel provides tools for validation, which should be applied at the event dispatch and listener stages.


use IlluminateSupportFacadesValidator;

class SecureEvent
    public function __construct(array $data)
        Validator::make($data, [
            'user_id' => 'required|integer',
            'action'  => 'required|string|max:255',

        $this->data = $data;

4​. Secure API Endpoints

Laravel Reverb often exposes API endpoints for managing events and queues. Restrict access to these endpoints.


Middleware Protection: Use authentication and authorization middleware.

Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'verified'])->group(function () {
    Route::post('/reverb/dispatch', [ReverbController::class, 'dispatch']);

Rate Limiting: Prevent abuse by limiting API requests.

Route::middleware('throttle:60,1')->group(function () {
    Route::post('/reverb/dispatch', [ReverbController::class, 'dispatch']);

5​. Secure Channel Configuration

Laravel Reverb channels determine how events are broadcast and who can access them. Misconfigured channels can expose sensitive data or allow unauthorized access.

Public Channels:

Public channels are accessible to anyone who knows the channel name. Avoid using public channels for sensitive information.


Broadcast::channel('public-channel', function () {
    return true;  

Use public channels only for non-sensitive data like notifications or general updates.

Private Channels:

Private channels require authentication before joining. Use these for events tied to authenticated users.


Broadcast::channel('private-channel.{userPublicId}', function ($user, $userPublicId) {
    return $user->public_id === $userPublicId && auth()->check(); // Ensure Public ID matches and user is authenticated

Presence Channels:

Presence channels extend private channels by allowing the server to track which users are present in real-time. Implement strict authentication to prevent unauthorized access.


Broadcast::channel('presence-channel.{roomId}', function ($user, $roomId) {
    return $user->isInRoom($roomId); // Validate room access

6​. Queue Storage Overload

Queue overload happens when too many jobs are added at once, causing delays. Use Laravel’s ThrottlesExceptions middleware to limit job processing (e.g., 5 jobs/second) and manage workers with tools like Supervisor to ensure system stability.

namespace AppJobs;

use Log;
use IlluminateBusQueueable;
use IlluminateQueueMiddlewareThrottlesExceptions;
use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;

class ProcessNotification implements ShouldQueue
    use Queueable;

    public function middleware()
        // Throttle: Allow max 5 jobs per second for this queue
        return [new ThrottlesExceptions(5, 1)];

    public function handle()
        // Logic to process the notification
        Log::info('Processing notification');

7​. Event Replay Attacks

Replay attacks resend intercepted events to exploit your system. Add unique IDs and timestamps to events, validating them on the client and server to prevent duplicates and ensure only fresh events are processed.

Implement unique token:

namespace AppEvents;

use IlluminateBroadcastingInteractsWithSockets;
use IlluminateContractsBroadcastingShouldBroadcast;
use IlluminateFoundationEventsDispatchable;
use IlluminateSupportStr;

class ChatMessageSent implements ShouldBroadcast
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets;

    public string $message;
    public string $uniqueId; // Prevent replay attacks
    public int $timestamp;

    public function __construct(string $message)
        $this->message = $message;
        $this->uniqueId = Str::uuid();
        $this->timestamp = time();

    public function broadcastWith()
        return [
            'message' => $this->message,
            'uniqueId' => $this->uniqueId,
            'timestamp' => $this->timestamp,

    public function broadcastOn()
        return ['chat-room'];

Prevent duplicate handling of the same event by tracking uniqueId on client side:

const processedEvents = new Set();'chat-room')
    .listen('ChatMessageSent', (event) => {
        if (!processedEvents.has(event.uniqueId)) {
            console.log('New message:', event.message);

Ensure event timestamps are recent using middleware:

namespace AppHttpMiddleware;

use Closure;

class PreventEventReplay
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $timestamp = $request->header('X-Timestamp');
        if (abs(time() - $timestamp) > 10) { // Allow a 10-second window
            return response()->json(['error' => 'Invalid or stale request.'], 400);

        return $next($request);

8​. Secure Backend SSL Connections

Even if you use a service like Cloudflare as a proxy to handle SSL at the edge, it is important to configure SSL within your VirtualHost on the server. This ensures end-to-end encryption and mitigates potential risks.


1​. Install Certbot and obtain a certificate:

sudo certbot --apache

2​. Update your VirtualHost to use SSL:

    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

3​. Enable Full (Strict) SSL mode in Cloudflare.

9​. Use HTTPS for All Communication

To ensure secure communication between Reverb and clients or servers, use HTTPS. Update the following environment variables, with a specific focus on setting REVERB_SCHEME and REVERB_PORT to ensure the use of the HTTPS protocol and the secure port 443:

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