10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Coding.


Coding is exciting, but it’s not as straightforward as some people make it out to be. It’s a process full of trial and error, and sometimes it’s more error than success.

If I could go back and tell myself a few things before starting, here’s what I’d share:

  1. Your First Language Isn’t a Big Deal
    There’s always this huge debate about which language is best for beginners—don’t stress over it. The language you start with doesn’t matter nearly as much as you think. What matters is understanding the basics, like how loops and logic work. Once you get that, picking up new languages later is a lot easier. Start somewhere, and don’t overthink it.

  2. You’ll Be Reading More Code Than Writing It
    Most people think coding is all about writing cool, original code. But the truth? You’ll spend way more time reading code—whether it’s documentation, examples from others, or even revisiting your own old work. Getting good at reading and understanding code is just as important as writing it.

  3. Debugging is Your Real Teacher
    It’s when things break that you actually learn. Tutorials are nice, but they often give you the impression that everything’s going to go smoothly. Spoiler: it won’t. When you’re stuck with a bug and have to figure out why something isn’t working, that’s when the real lessons happen. Embrace those moments—they’re where the growth is.

  4. Google is Your Best Tool
    You don’t need to have all the answers memorized. Being able to search for solutions quickly and effectively is a crucial skill in coding. You’ll rely on search engines more than you might expect, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The key is knowing how to find exactly what you need, whether it’s a fix for an error message or understanding a new concept

  5. Version Control is a Lifesaver
    It might seem like overkill for small projects, but version control (like Git) is essential. It helps you keep track of changes and lets you experiment without fear of breaking everything. You can always roll back if things go wrong. Trust me, you’ll be glad you set it up early, especially when your projects start getting more complex.

  6. Syntax Isn’t the Hard Part
    Memorizing every detail of syntax isn’t the goal. You can always look up syntax when you need to. What really matters is understanding how things work together and knowing how to solve problems. Once you get the core logic, the details like semicolons and brackets are just things you’ll get used to.

  7. Code Reviews Aren’t Criticism
    At first, getting feedback on your code can feel uncomfortable, but it’s one of the fastest ways to improve. Code reviews are less about finding mistakes and more about helping you write better, cleaner code. Don’t take it personally—it’s just part of the process, and it helps you grow faster than working in isolation.

  8. Testing Might Feel Like a Hassle, But It’s Worth It
    Writing tests for your code seems like extra work, especially when you’re just starting out. But not having tests in place means you’re going to end up spending way more time down the road fixing things that broke when you least expected them to. It’s like adding a safety net for your project.

  9. You’ll Never Know Everything—and That’s Fine
    There’s always going to be something new—whether it’s a language, a framework, or a tool. Don’t get caught up in trying to master it all. Instead, focus on staying adaptable and being willing to learn as things change. No one expects you to know it all, and that’s a good thing.

  10. Persistence is What Counts
    It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go right, but sticking with it is what really separates the good from the great. It’s not about getting everything perfect right away—it’s about staying curious, learning from mistakes, and pushing through the challenges.

These are the things that make the journey a bit easier if you know them upfront. Coding is a process—enjoy the ride.

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