840. Magic Squares In Grid


840. Magic Squares In Grid


Topics: Array, Hash Table, Math, Matrix

A 3 x 3 magic square is a3 x 3 grid filled with distinct numbers from 1 to 9 such that each row, column, and both diagonals all have the same sum.

Given a row x col grid of integers, how many 3 x 3 contiguous magic square subgrids are there?

Note: while a magic square can only contain numbers from 1 to 9, grid may contain numbers up to 15.

Example 1:


  • Input: grid = [[4,3,8,4],[9,5,1,9],[2,7,6,2]]
  • Output: 1
  • Explanation:
    The following subgrid is a 3 x 3 magic square:


while this one is not:


In total, there is only one magic square inside the given grid.

Example 2:

  • Input: grid = [[8]]
  • Output: 0


  • row == grid.length.
  • col == grid[i].length
  • 1 <= row, col <= 10
  • 0 <= grid[i][j] <= 15


We need to count how many 3x3 contiguous subgrids in the given grid form a magic square. A magic square is a 3x3 grid where all rows, columns, and both diagonals sum to the same value, and it contains the distinct numbers from 1 to 9.

To solve this problem, we can follow these steps:

  1. Check if a Subgrid is Magic:

    • The subgrid must contain all distinct numbers from 1 to 9.
    • The sum of each row, column, and diagonal should be 15.
  2. Iterate through the Grid:

    • Since we need to check 3x3 subgrids, we will iterate from 0 to row-2 for rows and from 0 to col-2 for columns.
    • For each top-left corner of the 3x3 subgrid, extract the subgrid and check if it's a magic square.

Let's implement this solution in PHP: 840. Magic Squares In Grid

// Example usage:
$grid1 = [
    [4, 3, 8, 4],
    [9, 5, 1, 9],
    [2, 7, 6, 2]

echo numMagicSquaresInside($grid1); // Output: 1

$grid2 = [

echo numMagicSquaresInside($grid2); // Output: 0


  1. isMagic function:

    • Extracts the 3x3 subgrid.
    • Checks if all numbers are distinct and between 1 to 9.
    • Verifies that the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals are all 15.
  2. numMagicSquaresInside function:

    • Iterates over all possible 3x3 subgrids in the given grid.
    • Counts how many of those subgrids are magic squares.

This code works efficiently within the constraints, counting all 3x3 magic square subgrids in the given grid.

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