How to Implement MVP in Project Management


In 2006, Spotify launched its first desktop app for fast and stable music streaming. The target audience was music lovers looking for a convenient way to stream music online. 

The initial test group loved the product. Their positive reviews spread the word, created credibility, and helped attract more users for the initial launch. That first desktop app—a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)—was crucial to its success as a music streaming service. 

If you’re building a digital product, how can you replicate Spotify’s success? We have some answers!

Understanding the MVP Concept

The term Minimum Viable Product refers to software with just enough features to satisfy early customers and get their feedback to guide future development. It’s the punchline you practice telling at a dinner table before you launch yourself as a professional comedian.

MVP example
Simplest visualization of the MVP concept (source: Wikimedia Commons)

Benefits of building an MVP

A good MVP offers innumerable benefits for software teams building products for an untested market. The most important ones are:

Speed: An MVP allows the team to start small, get customer input and iterate based on feedback. Teams can test their ideas quickly and with the least expense and effort. 

Adaptability: The cyclical ‘build-measure-learn’ approach allows the product to evolve based on real user needs and removes unfounded assumptions from the process.

Risk mitigation: With an MVP, software teams can test their ideas with real customers at low costs. This minimizes the risk of spending years and millions of dollars building something that no one is willing to pay for.

MVPs in agile project management

Agile project management is all about breaking down software development into short sprints and building iteratively. An MVP complements this in several ways.


MVPs use a product development process that builds, tests, and launches based on customer needs. It prioritizes feedback cycles and iterative development, which are fundamental to agile.


MVP development requires close collaboration between UX researchers, designers, developers, testers, product managers, and often the users themselves. This demands a cross-functional team, which is also what agile methodologies like scrum project management emphasize.


Agile teams welcome and dynamically adapt to changing requirements mid-project. An MVP helps this by providing a mechanism to validate assumptions early. This is especially helpful in agile transformation projects because teams can pivot without wasting time and resources. 

Validated learning

By combining hypothesis-driven experimentation, regular feedback, and iterative development, the MVP approach fits right into the lean startup methodology. The build-measure-learn loop allows startups to reduce waste, focus, and steer agile product development in the right direction. 

The theory clarified, let’s see how you can use the MVP concept within your agile software development process.

Steps to Develop an MVP in Agile Project Management

How to create an agile project plan and go from idea to an MVP? Before we get into the steps, two factors play a make-or-break role in the success of an MVP.

  • Product manager: From defining the vision, prioritizing features, aligning the team, gathering feedback, and steering the product to success, a product manager plays a pivotal role 
  • Powerful tools: A robust software development platform like ClickUp can help plan, execute, manage, monitor, and iterate on software development

With that in place, let’s develop an MVP!

1. Identify the problem to solve

The first step in the product development process is to define the problem you are trying to solve. This could be a huge gap in the market or ineffective products that currently exist. Before you build anything, understand the problem you’re solving with your product. 

Ask questions: 

  • Who are the potential customers?
  • Why do customers need this product? 
  • Why do they need it now?
  • What can they do with this product now that they couldn’t do before?
  • What are they currently using to solve this problem?

Define customer pain points. Conduct surveys, 1:1 interviews, and focus group studies to understand customer challenges better. In fact, strive to learn about their problems in minute detail. Back up your research with existing data. 

For example, Uber’s founders identified the problem as people having difficulty hailing taxis, especially at night or in bad weather. So, they built a simple MVP to book cabs via the iPhone, and that’s that.

ClickUp Forms is a simple way to set up questionnaires and capture information in a customizable list view. ClickUp Docs enables you to document your findings from various interviews and focus groups, consolidating all information in a collaborative workspace. Once done, automatically convert action items into tasks and agile workflows and get started.

2. Analyze the competition

Run a thorough competitive analysis of all competitors in the market and their pros and cons. This will help you understand what customers are currently using to solve their problems and what gaps remain.

In your market research:

  • Map out features, target audience, pricing, and differentiators
  • Read user reviews to understand what works for each product and what doesn’t
  • Include a SWOT analysis for more insights

Remember, your competition isn’t restricted to products that are identical to yours. For instance, the competition for Spotify isn’t just YouTube Music or Apple Music; it’s also local radio stations that listeners tune into. Gleaning such insights will help prioritize product features that give your MVP an edge.

For example: Instagram’s MVP was an app called Burbn, a location-based networking app for check-ins, like Foursquare. Research and customer feedback showed them that users were more interested in the photo-sharing aspect of the app than the check-ins themselves. This helped them pivot and create a differentiated user experience.

Too many aspects confusing your competition mapping? No sweat! Try the ClickUp Competitive Analysis Template. Customize it to suit your needs and get started right away.

ClickUp's Competitive Analysis Template
Gain a better understanding of the competitive landscape with ClickUp

3. Prioritize minimum viable features 

Based on the research, identify the must-have features that will provide the most value to early customers. 

  • Make a list of all the features you can potentially build
  • Prioritize those that offer maximum value. Frameworks like MoSCoW or Kano can be of help
  • Differentiate the wheat from the chaff and pick high-impact features 
  • Evaluate your choices based on the effort required to implement them against the expected impact

Example: Airbnb’s MVP served one use case—apartment sharing for those who are attending conferences. While today Airbnb has expanded to various other offerings across the globe, the idea that needed to be validated was what the MVP delivered.

Bonus: Make it easy on yourself and your team by choosing one of ClickUp’s ten decision-making templates for prioritizing decisions. 

4. Build the MVP

With that foundation, you’re ready to build the MVP. Begin by creating a product requirement document, outlining who, what, why, when, and how to build an MVP or feature.

Then, set up your MVP project management system with a platform like ClickUp.

Organize the work: Set up the features you want to build as ClickUp Tasks. Add descriptions, acceptance criteria, story points, etc. to prioritize collaboratively.

ClickUp’s Task Priorities 
List and prioritize your work with ClickUp Tasks

Plan together: Bring the Scrum team together for sprint planning to choose the right features for each iteration. Sprints in ClickUp are an all-in-one tool for project managers to pre-plan, run sprint marathons, and track the project. 

ClickUp sprints
Set sprint dates, assign points, and mark priorities with Sprints in ClickUp

Align the team: Set up workflows from design and development to testing and launch. Use ClickUp Goals to set weekly/sprint targets and track progress. Assign goals to each team member, so they take accountability for their work.

Remember, you don’t need a fancy feature-packed MVP. Uber’s MVP was an SMS-based interface. Check whether your product is viable or not with ClickUp’s Minimum Viable Product Template. It contains a series of critical questions that can also help in developing the strategy for product validation.

5. Measure and learn

Once the MVP is launched, the focus must be on measuring customer feedback and usage data. Identify the most critical metrics that will help you measure the success of your MVP. Use the SMART goals framework (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound) to define these metrics. 

Metrics to consider are:

  • User acquisition across channels
  • User engagement through active users, session duration
  • Most-used features
  • Features with the most drop-offs
  • Retention in the form of returning customers

The ClickUp SMART goals template will help you get clarity and stay on track. 

ClickUp SMART Goals Template
Stay focused and motivated on long-term goals with ClickUp SMART Goals template

Remember, the performance of your MVP doesn’t have to be measured in only numbers. Sometimes qualitative input from user testing, interviews, and observational research can be incredibly valuable feedback too. Use all this information to understand:

  • How different user segments engage with the MVP
  • Features that users are gravitating toward and if that aligns with your original idea
  • Conversion rates at each step of the user flow 
  • How users feel about the MVP with sentiment analysis

Streamline feedback and the metrics with Clickup Dashboards. Use this data to move meaningfully to the next step.

6. Iterate and repeat/pivot

This is when you make the repeat vs pivot decision. If a particular feature is widely used, understand why and build on it. If a key feature has low engagement, hypothesize and iterate. If new users are coming through referrals, double down on it with referral codes, easy-to-share links, social share buttons, etc.

Once you have this rhythm, rinse and repeat!

Real-World MVP Examples

Some of the biggest and most successful startups began as MVPs (both successful and otherwise). Let’s look at a few popular ones now.

Spotify’s MVP

Idea: Spotify wanted to enable fast and stable music streaming online that listeners would be willing to pay for (rather than pirate). 

Competition: There were already similar attempts in 2005-2006 in the form of iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, and WinAmp.

MVP: Spotify’s MVP was a simple desktop app offering basic music streaming. Developed in just four months, the MVP was tested on friends, family, and music bloggers in Sweden. 

Feedback: Based on user feedback, Spotify added new features like a mobile app, playlists, artist profiles, etc. 

Launch: The success of the MVP proved Spotify’s initial hypothesis and enabled them to launch publicly in 2008. 

Spotify today offers a more comprehensive set of features, such as podcasts, offline mode, and personalized recommendations. It also has a more extensive user base and premium subscription tiers. 

Facebook’s approach to MVP

Problem: Facebook wanted a way to connect college students online.

Competition: MySpace, Friendster, and Orkut existed, though their interfaces were clunky and their network were open to anyone with an internet connection.

MVP: Facebook’s MVP offered a simple, straightforward interface, limiting access to those with Harvard email IDs. This created a sense of exclusivity and privacy.

Feedback: The adoption was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the need for a new social network. It also became clear that there was a vast opportunity beyond college networks.

Expand: Facebook launched officially in February 2004. By the end of the year, it had reached one million active users. Today, Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users alongside the company’s other products, such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Uber’s MVP journey

Problem: The problem Uber was trying to solve was simple—how to connect riders who want to go somewhere with drivers who could take them there. 

Competition: Uber’s key competition at the MVP stage was traditional taxi and limousine services. The process of hailing was tedious and especially challenging during peak hours. 

MVP: Uber’s MVP, called ‘Ubercab,’ was launched in 2010 across mobile and web apps. The target audience was friends and early adopters in New York and San Francisco. With the app, you could: 

  • Request a ride by entering the location inside the app
  • Get matched to the nearest driver
  • Track your ride in real-time
  • Pay easily with PayPal and other cashless payment methods

Feedback: Early feedback showed that supply-side marketing was just as critical, which made Uber invest more in driver onboarding. Safety and behavioral concerns led them to add rating/feedback mechanisms and emergency notification features.

Expand: Today, Uber has expanded to serving 150 million monthly users in 70 countries. 

From Amazon to Zendesk, nearly every modern tech behemoth once began as an MVP. Some hypotheses were validated, like Uber or Airbnb. Others were disproved, like the founders of Instagram discovered.

Either way, the learnings from the MVP were immense and helped the companies launch an idea into an untested market and learn, quickly, without breaking the bank.

Build Your Successful Minimum Viable Product With ClickUp

A successful MVP is one that validates an idea. It’s proof that you’re on the right track (or not) and a clear indicator of which path to take. An MVP is the critical input you need to accelerate or course correct.

However, there is one problem: the quagmire of assumptions. Software teams may assume that low adoption means the product’s features are ineffective; when in fact, a tedious onboarding process is to blame. Or, that making a product free impacts their ability to measure a customer’s willingness to pay.

To avoiding these pitfalls, you need a structured approach to building the MVP. ClickUp’s product management tools are designed exactly for this. Plan, schedule, execute, track, build, and iterate on your MVP with ClickUp. 

Build faster, know better, work smarter. Try ClickUp today for free!

The post How to Implement MVP in Project Management appeared first on ClickUp.

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