Technical Report: Initial Data Analysis of Titanic Datasets


The provided datasets consist of two files: train.csv and test.csv. These datasets contain information about passengers on the Titanic, including demographic details, ticket information, and survival outcomes (in the training set).

Dataset Structure

– Train Dataset (train.csv):
Contains 891 rows and 12 columns.

– Test Dataset (test.csv):
Contains 418 rows and 11 columns.

Columns in Both Datasets
PassengerId: Unique identifier for each passenger.
Pclass: Passenger class (1st, 2nd, or 3rd).
Name: Name of the passenger.
Sex: Gender of the passenger.
Age: Age of the passenger.
SibSp: Number of siblings/spouses aboard the Titanic.
Parch: Number of parents/children aboard the Titanic.
Ticket: Ticket number.
Fare: Passenger fare.
Cabin: Cabin number.
Embarked: Port of embarkation (C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton).
Additional Column in Train Dataset
Survived: Survival indicator (0 = No, 1 = Yes).

Initial Insights

  1. Survival Rate: The Survived column in the training set indicates the survival status of passengers. This column is not present in the test set.

  2. Passenger Class Distribution: The Pclass column indicates the class of the passenger, which could be a key factor in survival analysis.

  3. Gender Distribution: The Sex column shows the gender distribution, which can be analyzed to determine if gender influenced survival chances.

  4. Age Distribution: The Age column provides insights into the age distribution of passengers. Missing values in this column may require imputation.

  5. Family Size: The SibSp and Parch columns can be combined to understand the family size and its impact on survival.

  6. Ticket and Fare: The Ticket and Fare columns provide information about the cost and type of ticket purchased.

  7. Cabin Information: The Cabin column contains many missing values. This information might need to be handled carefully or imputed based on other variables.

  8. Port of Embarkation: The Embarked column indicates the port from which the passenger boarded the Titanic, which may correlate with socio-economic status and survival.

Next Steps for Analysis

Handling Missing Values: Impute or handle missing values in the Age and Cabin columns.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Perform EDA to uncover patterns and relationships between different variables and the survival outcome.
Analyze the impact of passenger class, gender, age, family size, and fare on survival rates.

Feature Engineering: Create new features such as family size (sum of SibSp and Parch), title extraction from the Name column, and categorization of age groups.

Visualization: Use visualizations to illustrate the findings from the EDA, such as survival rates by class, gender, age groups, and embarkation points.

Model Building: Prepare the data for machine learning models to predict survival on the test set using the insights gained from the training set.

The initial review of the Titanic datasets reveals various factors that could influence passenger survival, including class, gender, age, and embarkation port. Further detailed analysis and modeling are required to draw meaningful conclusions and predictions. ​

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