
Hey everyone,

I got super busy with a lot of stuff, but I am back! So, where were we? Ah yes, check out the progress I made in the past two hours. I wanted to update you all as soon as possible (image1).

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Yes, I know it looks like a Mario tube right now, and you’re probably thinking, “What in the world is this?” Basically, I want to attach the actual head of the turret onto this thing. Remember how I wanted to make this a rail gun and showed a picture of how I wanted it to look? Here’s a quick pic for reference (image2).

Image description(image2)

Image description(image3)

Do you see where the bottom of the head is placed? I’ll show a zoomed-in pic above (image3). I need to make something like that. It will look much better than a big Mario tube sticking out of it. This will help the turret head stay in place and move properly.

I will be updating you all in 3 days with an updated Mario tube. Thank you all and love you all! Consentually, of course.

Image description

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