My Journey into Cybersecurity and Beyond (Vuln


‘m deeply interested in cybersecurity and have been self-studying alongside my computer engineering course. To enhance my learning, I’ve decided to embark on an intensive cybersecurity sprint and tackle semi-professional projects involving platforms like, Zerodium, bugcrowd and other. Before formally disclosing any vulnerabilities on these platforms, I want to ensure I’m thoroughly prepared.

I’m already comfortable with network monitoring and similar tasks, but I aim to expand my knowledge and capabilities. This week, I started gathering resources, books, websites, and inspiration. However, the books I found seemed too beginner-oriented (focusing primarily on C programming and such) or were not suitable for my projects since they were Windows-centric, and I’ve completely moved away from that OS. I also prefer not to use Kali Linux; while it’s a great tool, I like to build my own toolkit for Debian to align with my goals. Currently, my toolkit includes basic privacy tools (like TOR, GPG, OpenSSL, and similar), Bro for network monitoring, Metasploit, ghex, and Linux basics. I’m also exploring DEFT, Lorg, LiME, Cuckoo, and Malwr.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be posting my research and guides on these tools. I’m excited about this project and hope you’ll find it as engaging as I do. If needed, I’ll also create a repository with scripts and code.

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