The Pros and Cons of Routine for Developers


In my journey through web development, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of having a routine. Here I want to share some pros and cons of having a routine and why having a routine is much considered.


1. You can achieve your task:

when confronted with a multitude of tasks. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and resort to multi tasking. Having a routine helps prioritize tasks and enables to tackle them one by one. As Dr. Stephen Covey, the author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” emphasizes, “Put first things first.” Having a routine aids in prioritizing the most crucial task, ensuring it is completed earlier and helping to navigate through the confusion of “Which one first?”

2. Less Stress:
Following a routine alleviates the mental burden of juggling numerous tasks simultaneously. By compartmentalizing your day, you minimize uncertainty and cultivates a sense of control, resulting in less stressful work environment.

3. Balancing act:

You have time for all your priorities; nothing is left behind. Everything, including health, family relations, learning, and earning, is taken into consideration.

4. Distraction free environment:

In today’s digital age, escaping the internet’s distractions is nearly impossible. Without a set schedule, you may find yourself veering off track, akin to wandering without direction. Establishing time blocks for tasks like social media or YouTube browsing can help avoid falling into the abyss of online distractions.

5. Minimized Distraction:

As web developers, navigating the internet is an integral part of work. However, the web’s endless distraction can derail productivity. Establishing designated time slots for tasks like social media or browsing prevents succumbing to the allure of endless scrolling, fostering a distraction-free workflow.


1. Routine is constantly changing.

As like static data in the website routine is not static. They evolve in response to changing circumstance. Adjusting to new tasks or opportunities may require modifications to your routine, which can be disruptive.

2. Potential for boredom and fatigue:

While you establish a routine, you may discover that you’re engaged in activities every hour of the day. This can lead to burnout. However, there is a solution: taking a 10-minute break every hour. During this break, refrain from using social media. Instead, consider activities such as walking, stretching, or simply relaxing.

3. Some tasks require significant time:

A routine may not align with a strict timetable when certain tasks demand extensive time commitments within specific deadlines.

Despite these drawbacks, routines offer significant benefits. Share your thoughts on how routines can either enhance or hinder your life in the comments below.

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