Product Marketing Alliance Customer Advisory Board


Product Marketing Alliance Customer Advisory Board

Here at Product Marketing Alliance, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional value and, to achieve that, we need your input.

Use the power of your voice by joining our exclusive Customer Advisory Board. Experience the remarkable benefits of being part of a select group that shapes this community’s future. 

🚨 Applications close on February 8, 2024

Apply now and share your thoughts on:

✅ Content related to topics you’re interested in
✅ Trending community events
✅ Better communication
✅ Any areas that you want to see us improve
✅ Suggestions for templates to streamline your processes
✅ Ideas for brand-new podcast series to listen to on the go

And anything you love!

Your CAB details: 

When is it?
Twice a year: January and July.

How long is it?
A two-hour session each time.

How many participants will there be?
A maximum of 10-15 participants.

Share your visions, desires, and ideas with us, and watch as we transform them into reality. 

Sounds good? 👇

Complete the short, two-minute application, and we’ll be in touch if you’ve been chosen to participate.

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Podcast: Consider What Automation Can Do For You

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