The Rise of Cloud-Native Engineering


In the past few years, there has been a tremendous change in how technology works. Cloud-based application development has become more important, transforming how we create, launch, and grow applications.

This new way of developing software uses cloud computing, microservices, and containerization to make applications more adjustable, scalable, and effective.

In this article, we’ll break down the basics of cloud-native engineering and look at its key features, benefits, challenges, and how it’s used in the real world.

Understanding the Shift to Cloud-Native Engineering

Cloud-native engineering is a way of making software that uses cloud technology to build and launch applications.

Unlike the old-fashioned methods, cloud-native development aims to create flexible and scalable applications using small, modular pieces called microservices.

These applications can quickly adjust to the changing needs of today’s business world. The move to cloud-native engineering is driven by the goal of making software development faster, more reliable, and more innovative.

Essential Features and Aspects of Cloud-Native Development

Cloud-native development is characterized by some key features and aspects that are essential for its effectiveness. Let’s look at the key things that define cloud-native development:

The Rise of Cloud-Native Engineering

Microservices Architecture

Microservices involve splitting a large application into small, separate parts that can each be separately worked on, released, and grown. Thanks to microservices, teams can work on different pieces of software at the same time, easily handle problems, and speed up how quickly things get done.


Containerization means packing an application and everything it needs into a small, easy-to-carry box that can run the same way in different environments. These containers make sure things are consistent, easy to move around, and properly use resources.


Orchestration makes it easy to handle complicated containerized applications. It automates the process of adjusting their size, making sure they’re always available and working properly.

DevOps Integration

DevOps is a teamwork philosophy that brings together the people who create software and those who make sure it runs as well. It focuses on using automation and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices.

In simple terms, DevOps makes teamwork balanced, speeds up software development, and guarantees that delivering software is of high quality.

API-First Approach

When engineers develop things for the cloud, they often start by planning how different parts of the software will talk to each other using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

This way of working makes it easy to use and reuse different parts of the software and helps the software work well with other services.

Immutable Infrastructure

Immutable infrastructure means treating the different parts of the setup as things that can’t be changed. Instead of changing what’s already there, you create new instances to make updates.

This approach makes everything consistent and repeatable, and if something goes wrong, it’s easier to go back to the way things were before.

Observability and Monitoring

Cloud-native applications use strong observability practices, like keeping track of logs, monitoring, and tracing, to understand how the application is behaving and performing.

In other words, observability is like having a clear view to quickly spot and figure out any issues. This helps manage the health and performance of the application before problems arise.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is like building and arranging your computer setup using written instructions or detailed scripts. In simple terms, it’s a way to manage and create your digital space by writing down what you want.

With IaC, you can automatically set up infrastructure, keep track of different versions, and confirm everything works the same way in various situations.

Native Cloud: Exploring the Advantages and Challenges

Native cloud development has lots of benefits, but it also comes with some downsides that organizations need to handle. Let’s explore the pros and cons in more detail.

The Rise of Cloud-Native Engineering


  • Scalability: Cloud-native companies can easily handle more work by adding extra parts (microservices) when needed. This makes them perform well during busy times.
  • Flexibility and Agility: Microservices architecture allows changing one part without affecting the whole project. Developers can update and release smaller pieces separately, making the process more flexible and faster.
  • Resource Efficiency: Containerization makes apps use resources efficiently. Apps share a common environment, making deployments lighter and more consistent. This reduces extra work and optimizes how infrastructure is used.
  • Improved Fault Tolerance: Cloud-native platforms, managed by tools like Kubernetes, are better at handling errors. Automated processes for monitoring and fixing problems make the system more reliable.
  • Enhanced Developer Productivity: Native cloud development encourages collaboration between development and operations teams (DevOps). Automation tools and streamlined processes make developers more productive, and things get to market faster.


  • Complexity: Managing many microservices with different life cycles can be complex. It makes monitoring, fixing issues, and coordinating everything more challenging.
  • Learning Curve: Switching to cloud-native practices can be hard for teams new to concepts like containerization and microservices. It takes time to learn these new ways of working.
  • Security Concerns: Keeping microservices and containers secure needs a solid plan. Each microservice can be a way in for attackers, so there’s a need for extra security measures.
  • Increased Operational Overhead: Using cloud-native technologies might mean more work in managing tools like Kubernetes. This can increase the overall work needed to keep things running smoothly.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Services: Cloud-native platforms often rely on external services like databases and authentication. Depending on these external services can bring in possible points of failure.

Case Studies: Real-World Examples of Successful Implementations

Real-world stories are super helpful in understanding how cloud-native engineering actually works and why it’s useful. Let’s look at two organizations that did a great job using cloud-native strategies:


Netflix used cloud-native techniques to make sure people worldwide can watch their shows without interruptions.

By breaking things into smaller parts (microservices) and using tools like Docker and Kubernetes, they made their system super scalable and flexible. This modular approach helped them add features and serve millions of users, even during peak times.


Spotify wanted to stay ahead in the music streaming world. They switched to a cloud-native setup by using smaller parts (microservices) and tools like Docker.

This made them faster in adding new stuff without messing up the whole app. With cloud-native tech, Spotify kept its spot as a top player by offering a dynamic and personalized music experience.


Uber faced big challenges with lots of transactions and the need for quick responses. They embraced cloud-native methods, like using smaller parts (microservices) and tools like Kubernetes.

This made their system handle lots of work smoothly, and the automation made sure things run reliably. Uber’s cloud-native changes helped them deal with a fast-growing and ever-changing business.

As technology keeps changing, cloud-native engineering is also set to change. Here are some important trends that will shape the future of cloud-native engineering:

The Rise of Cloud-Native Engineering

Edge Computing

In the world of cloud-native technology, we expect a big change as edge computing becomes more prominent.

This shift means bringing computing closer to where data is generated, making things faster and more efficient. Imagine quick decision-making for things like smart city setups, where IoT devices and augmented reality need real-time processing.

Edge computing’s local data processing aligns well with the goals of cloud-native development, making things more efficient and responsive.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing, also known as Function as a Service (FaaS), is growing up in the cloud-native world.

This approach promises to be cost-effective by charging based on actual code execution and makes development simpler by handling infrastructure management behind the scenes.

Think of a retail app using serverless computing during busy sales events without needing manual adjustments for increased user activity.

The maturity of serverless computing fits in with the desire for smooth, cost-efficient, and effective development in the cloud-native environment.

AI and Machine Learning

Cloud-native architectures offer a great framework for running AI and ML applications on a large scale, allowing for advanced analytics and automated operations.

To illustrate, imagine an online store using AI in a cloud-native setup to study how users behave, predict what they might buy, and provide instant personalized product suggestions.

The combination of cloud-native tools and AI/ML opens up new possibilities for organizations to gain valuable insights and improve operational efficiency.


Cloud-native engineering is changing how we make and handle software. Even though it has its difficulties, the advantages in scalability, agility, and resource efficiency make it an attractive option for organizations wanting to stay competitive in the digital world.

As this technology grows, cloud-native engineering is set to become a crucial part of the future of software development.

Start your journey to advanced software solutions with SCAND’s custom software product development services. Contact us today to turn your ideas into reality and embrace innovation that propels your business forward.

The post The Rise of Cloud-Native Engineering appeared first on SCAND.

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