What’s new features in Angular 17?


Google team released the latest version of Angular – Angular 17 on November 6, 2023, creating a significant milestone for the front-end development.

Features and Updates:

  1. Angular 17 is the highly anticipated release for the community, bringing many new exciting features, updates, and improvements.

  2. New Syntax for Control Flow in Templates – new @if, @switch, @for, @case, @empty @end control flow syntax

  3. Deferred Loading – @defer partial template

  4. The Angular signals API

  5. Angular SSR and client hydration

  6. Automatic Migration to Build-in Control Flow

  7. Build Performance with ESBuild

  8. By default, set this newly generated component as a standalone, and now we don’t have an app module file. To use (ng new angular17 –standalone=false) to get the app module file.

  9. Got a new brand logo

  10. Got a new dev documentation site

  11. ng update: update existing applications to Angular 17 using ng update command

  12. Super-Fast

The best new features of Angular 17 | Detail You should know about it!

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