Building the Bubble Estimator Game: A JavaScript Project with SVG and Sound Effects


Last week a colleague asked me to estimate the number of people at an event and that was when it became apparent to both of us that my estimation skills are terrible. I was so embarrassed! That night, I decided to try and code a game that would help me get better at estimating.

Technologies Used
The Bubble Estimator Game utilizes the following technologies:

JavaScript: The backbone of the game logic, handling bubble creation, user input, and scoring.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics): Providing visually appealing and scalable graphics for the dynamic bubbles.
Web Audio API: Adding sound effects to enhance the gaming experience.
Dynamic creation of bubbles with varying sizes, colors, and positions.
Sound effects using the Web Audio API to create a lively atmosphere.
User input for estimating the number of bubbles created.
Scoring system based on the accuracy of the user’s estimate.

Code Highlights
I am so proud of the bubble generator function, which is a simple recursive function responsible for all the magic!

function createBubbles(svg, centerX, centerY, radius, depth) {
    if (depth === 0) {

    const numBubbles = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 2;

    const angleIncrement = (3 * Math.PI) / numBubbles;
    for (let i = 0; i < numBubbles; i++) {
        const angle = i * angleIncrement;
        //cartesian coordinates
        const x = radius * Math.cos(angle) + centerX;
        const y = radius * Math.sin(angle) + centerY;
        const newRadius = radius / (Math.random() + 1);
        const newX = x + newRadius * Math.cos(angle);
        const newY = y + newRadius * Math.sin(angle);

        //draw circle
        const circle = document.createElementNS(
        circle.setAttribute("cx", newX);
        circle.setAttribute("cy", newY);
        circle.setAttribute("r", newRadius);

        const randomColor = generateRandomColor();
        circle.setAttribute("fill", randomColor);

        console.log("num bubbles", circlesDrawn);
        //play sound

        //recursive case
        setTimeout(() => {
   = "translate(0,-5%)";
            createBubbles(svg, newX, newY, newRadius, depth - 1);
        }, i * 500);

You can try the game by following this link:

Live Coding/Tutorial:
Oh, and if you are interested in watching how I made it; here is a link to the live coding/tutorial:

Estimation Game with Vanilla JavaScript + SVG + Web Audio API [ Live Coding Tutorial ] – YouTube

In this live coding tutorial/journey, we build a Bubble Estimator Game using SVG graphics, recursive functions, and sound effects with JavaScript. We’ll crea…


Source Code:
The source code is available on GitHub: Bubble Estimator Game on GitHub.

I hope this project inspires you to explore new ideas and have fun with your coding journey.

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