Master Prompt Engineering with OpenAI 🧠



“Prompt Engineering” sometimes feels like persuasive penmanship in the guise of yet another phrase in the generative AI lexicon.

But last week, OpenAI dropped their official Prompt Engineering Guide and it’s been quite the hit with developers experimenting with generative AI.

Prompt engineering isn’t just about throwing words into the AI abyss and waiting for wisdom to echo back. It’s about unlocking the potential of these very, very powerful AI models. It’s nuanced, technical, and absolutely critical.

Why does it matter? Because the right prompt can mean the difference between gibberish and genius. It’s the difference between a model spitting out a generic response and one that tailors its knowledge to your specific needs.

OpenAI’s Six Strategies:

  1. Write clear instructions
  2. Provide reference text
  3. Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks
  4. Give the model time to “think”
  5. Use external tools
  6. Test changes systematically

Okay, so maybe these seem generic but the guide actually does an extensive job with multiple tactics and examples for each strategy.

So how do you apply these strategies out-of-the-box?

Our team at LastMile AI built a Streamlit app powered by AIConfig that lets you experiment with OpenAI’s strategies on your prompts.


🔗 Streamlit App:

We’ve created prompt templates for each strategy and stored them in an AIConfig.

This config isn’t just supported for one model; it’s set up to handle a stable of models: Gemini, GPT-4, GPT-3.5-turbo, and PaLM. And while the Streamlit app currently leverages GPT-3.5-turbo, the AIConfig can work with any of these models and more.

🔗 Prompt Templates (AIConfig)
🔗 AIConfig Repo

So, why AIConfig?

Because it’s about more than just managing prompts. It’s about creating a reproducible, shareable, and systematic approach to prompt engineering. It’s about making sure that when you find that perfect prompt, you can come back to it, time and time again, without sifting through the digital detritus of your past attempts.

⭐️ Ready to take control of your prompts? Check out AIConfig.

Please give our AIConfig repo a star to support the project!

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