Input and Output in C


In C programming printf() is used for outputting a data or to display a data. On the other hand, scanf() is used to take input values from the users.

Input and Output of integer value.


int main() {

  int age;

  printf("Enter Input value: ");
  scanf("%d", &age);

  printf("Age = %d", age);

  return 0;

Why we use & with scanf()

It is because, & helps to point towards the memory location of that variable.

Input and Output of double and char values

int main() {

  char alphabet;
  double number;

  printf("Enter a character: ");
  scanf("%c", &alphabet);

  printf("Enter a number: ");
  scanf("n%lf", &number);

  printf("alphabet is %c", alphabet);
  printf("nnumber is %.2lf", number);

  return 0;

Inputting 2 values together


int main() {

  char alphabet;
  double number;

  printf("Enter input values: ");
  scanf("%lf %c", &number, &alphabet);

  printf("alphabet is %c", alphabet);
  printf("nnumber is %.2lf", number);

  return 0;
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