Survey Reveals Top Benefits of AI in Software Development


A recent survey report released by Bito on AI Adoption in Software Development offers insightful perspectives from over 700 developers, engineering managers, and leaders, representing a wide spectrum of organizations from SME startups to large corporations.

This article delves into the key findings of the survey as well as the top benefits of AI in software development as recognized by the engineering leaders.

Key Highlights from the Survey:

  • Who took the survey? C-Level Executives, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers, and Individual Contributors from various industry segments (mostly from technology).
  • Top AI Benefits: Leaders recognized multiple benefits of using AI from improved code quality to enhanced developer satisfaction.
  • Top AI Use Cases: Code writing and Code review top the list of generative AI applications in software development.
  • AI Adoption: 42% of survey participants are already using AI in their software development processes, and 30% are currently experimenting.
  • Highly Effective Teams at the AI Frontier: Around 45% of the most effective global teams are actively using AI in software development and 31% are seeing productivity gains of over 60%.

You can download the full survey report from here: State of AI Report 2023

Below we have ranked the top benefits of AI in software development as recognized by the engineering leaders.

Benefits of AI in Software Development Survey Response
Improve code quality 57%
Accelerate learning (code understanding) 49%
Developer job satisfaction 46%
Cost savings 44%
Speed to market 38%
Enhanced debugging 21%

The survey report is interactive, so that you can customize the results to benchmark how you compare and download tailored charts for insightful discussions with your team, management, or board. For example, you can check AI adoption by industry using the interactive filter provided in the report.

Now, let’s discuss each of the top benefits of AI in software development in detail.

57% Reported Improvement in Code Quality

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in coding has been a game-changer for code quality, as recognized by 57% of surveyed professionals. AI tools excel in sifting through extensive codebases, uncovering patterns and recommending enhancements that might be overlooked by human developers. These tools are adept at learning from vast datasets, enabling them to propose modifications that result in cleaner, more efficient code. This advancement not only minimizes coding errors but also boosts the overall maintainability of software, an essential aspect for businesses reliant on software as a core part of their operations and offerings.

The long-term benefits of AI in coding are substantial. Improved code quality leads to stronger and more reliable software products, a critical factor for companies that heavily depend on software. AI’s role extends to analyzing existing codebases, suggesting refactoring changes that elevate readability and efficiency. Such changes are key to maintaining a streamlined code architecture and averting technical debt.

Furthermore, AI tools are instrumental in standardizing coding practices within teams, ensuring uniformity and diminishing errors caused by varying coding styles. They also possess advanced capabilities to identify more than just basic syntax errors. AI can foresee potential runtime errors or logical inconsistencies, empowering developers to rectify these issues proactively, preventing future complications. This predictive ability of AI marks a significant stride in the evolution of software development, paving the way for more sophisticated and error-free coding environments.

49% Saw Accelerated Understanding of Their Codebase

Nearly half of the participants (49%) recognized AI’s role in speeding up the learning and comprehension of code, particularly beneficial for newcomers or those dealing with unfamiliar codebases.

AI can tailor learning experiences by analyzing a developer’s interactions with code, offering personalized suggestions and resources, thereby shortening the learning curve.

It promotes a collaborative learning environment, sharing knowledge for a more cohesive development team. AI customizes learning paths based on individual skills and project requirements, provides contextual assistance during coding, and introduces advanced coding techniques and newer programming paradigms for experienced developers.

46% Acknowledged Increase in Developer Job Satisfaction

46% of respondents reported increased job satisfaction due to AI’s support in their work environment. For fast-growing companies, more than 70% of them said the primary benefit of AI was increasing developer job satisfaction and reducing turnover.

By taking over mundane tasks, AI allows developers to focus on more creative aspects, reducing burnout and improving work-life balance. This fosters innovation and further enhances job satisfaction.

AI’s role in automating routine tasks opens up opportunities for developers to concentrate on skill development and career advancement.

AI-powered tools also enhance collaboration among team members, contributing to a more engaging and productive work environment.

44% Witnessed Substantial Cost Reductions

44% of survey participants noted AI’s contribution to cost savings by optimizing development processes, which reduces the time and resources needed for project completion.

Automating routine tasks with AI cuts down on overhead costs related to manual labor and error correction. The long-term financial benefits of AI-driven tools outweigh the initial investment costs. AI aids in the efficient allocation of resources, prevents costly errors in the development process, and offers scalability and flexibility to accommodate varying project demands.

For example, using Bito CLI we have created some intelligent AI automation tools such as AI Documentation Generator and AI Test Case Generator. These tools can automatically create/update software documentation and unit tests to save cost.

38% Recognized AI’s Role in Accelerating Software Releases

38% of respondents acknowledged AI’s role in accelerating the market readiness of software products. Basically, AI can accelerate various development stages, from initial design to final deployment, enabling teams to quickly adapt to changing market demands.

It ensures that products stay relevant and competitive. Also, this gives businesses a crucial competitive edge, allowing them to seize market opportunities more effectively.

Furthermore, businesses can use AI predictive analytics to align products with market trends. This approach involves analyzing large sets of data to identify patterns, forecast future market behaviors, and understand consumer preferences. By leveraging these insights, businesses can make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and inventory management.

AI Enhanced Debugging for 21% of Respondents

21% of participants valued AI’s efficiency in improving debugging processes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) excels in quickly identifying and isolating bugs, significantly reducing the time required for troubleshooting. It utilizes its learning capabilities to analyze past errors, which helps in avoiding similar problems in the future. This continuous learning approach contributes to the ongoing refinement of the debugging process, making it more effective over time.

AI plays a crucial role in collaborative problem-solving, especially in complex scenarios. It combines the expertise of different individuals to tackle challenging issues. During the coding process, AI provides real-time bug detection, which is critical for early problem identification. It also assists in conducting root cause analysis, an essential step in understanding why bugs occur.

Additionally, AI’s ability to integrate seamlessly with popular development tools enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the debugging process, making it a valuable asset for developers.


The survey clearly outlines the transformative role of AI in software development. From improving code quality to enhancing job satisfaction and speeding up market readiness, AI is proving to be an invaluable asset. As the technology continues to evolve, its integration into software development is poised to bring even more revolutionary changes, shaping the future of this dynamic field.

Download Full Survey Report: AI Adoption in Software Development Survey Report 2023

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