How to get motivated to code?


As a software developer, we all face times of procrastination which are mainly caused by various road-blockers which I discussed over here. So what to do to overcome these road-blockers? Don’t worry, I covered that in this post. But to implement the ideas suggested in the second post, you need to not procrastinate and you need to be motivated. So in this article, I will discuss some motivation strategies. Some motivation techniques which help me are:
The daily standup: I have to say something in the standup, right? And to say something, I have to do something. So the standup is one of my biggest motivators.
Product managers: These people are great because they keep asking developers for the project status. So to update them, we need to update the project, right? So product managers are also motivators for me.
Deadlines: When you have a set deadline, you have to deliver by then. So deadlines are also something which motivate me. But the deadline has to be strict, I mean, it should be imposed by someone else and not finishing it should have some punishment (such as for example, in Fiverr, when you deliver late, your on-time delivery percentage goes down).
Self-assigned tasks: When I assign a task to myself, that is when I choose my own task, something that I myself proposed to do, I feel more motivated to do it because I feel like I want to prove that my idea is doable and practical.
Music: Sometimes, playing music motivates me to work faster just like how the song moves swiftly with fast beats.
People: Being surrounded by people who are all working and coding motivates me more than anything. I feel like if they can, I can. So working in office is really motivating for me.

What motivates you to code?

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