Git cheatsheet


“Don’t be overwhelmed by learning Git! šŸ˜Š It’s simpler than you might think. Here’s a condensed list of essential Git commands and concepts to get you started:

  1. Core:

    • git init
    • git clone
    • git add
    • git commit
    • git status
    • git diff
    • git checkout
    • git reset
    • git log
    • git show
    • git tag
    • git push
    • git pull
  2. Branching:

    • git branch
    • git checkout -b
    • git merge
    • git rebase
    • git branch –set-upstream-to
    • git branch –unset-upstream
    • git cherry-pick
  3. Merging:

    • git merge
    • git rebase
  4. Stashing:

    • git stash
    • git stash pop
    • git stash list
    • git stash apply
    • git stash drop
  5. Remotes:

    • git remote
    • git remote add
    • git remote remove
    • git fetch
    • git pull
    • git push
    • git clone –mirror
  6. Configuration:

    • git config
    • git global config
    • git reset config
  7. Plumbing:

    • git cat-file
    • git checkout-index
    • git commit-tree
    • git diff-tree
    • git for-each-ref
    • git hash-object
    • git ls-files
    • git ls-remote
    • git merge-tree
    • git read-tree
    • git rev-parse
    • git show-branch
    • git show-ref
    • git symbolic-ref
    • git tag –list
    • git update-ref
  8. Porcelain:

    • git blame
    • git bisect
    • git checkout
    • git commit
    • git diff
    • git fetch
    • git grep
    • git log
    • git merge
    • git push
    • git rebase
    • git reset
    • git show
    • git tag
  9. Alias:

    • git config –global alias.
  10. Hook:

    • git config –local core.hooksPath

For faster learning, check out these resources:

  1. Git Official Documentation:
  2. GitHub Learning Lab:
  3. Codecademy Course:
  4. Pro Git by Scott Chacon [Book]:
  5. YouTube:
    • FreeCodeCampOrg for beginners:
    • FreeCodeCampOrg for intermediate learners:

Git #VersionControl #LearningGit

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And check out my GitHub profile and star my repositories:

If you have anything to add or any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! šŸ˜ŠšŸŒ±”

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